Creates a url with query params and creates and object/list of params using the URL.
This is a utility for developers using React Router 4 for developing their web application. React Router 4 provides a prop called location same as found in the hisotry API which has a property called search. It's a string parameter and gets a value when the URL gets attached with query parameters. This property is useful to code your URL logic and allows for custom URL with query params. This utility creates a URL with query parameters separated by ampersand. It can convert the URL in an object/list of values from query string. It allows you to pass "&" in query params and encodes alphanumeric special character with escape character (URI encoding UTF-8).
$ npm i --save query-string-params
import {propertyToUrl, urlToProperty, urlToList}
from "query-string-params";
console.log(location.search); /* '?foo=xyz&bar=abc' */
const parsed = urlToProperty(location.search);
console.log(parsed); /* {{foo: [xyz]}, {bar: [abc]}} */
console.log(parsed.foo) /* [xyz] */;
console.log(parsed.bar) /* [abc] */;
Parses a query string into an object and location.search can be passed directly. Returned object is inherits from Object.prototype. Extract a query string from a URL that can be passed into the function and returns an object in the form of properties with corresponding array values.
For example,
/* location.search = 'foo=xyz&bar=abc' */
const property = urlToProperty(location.search);
console.log(property); /* {{foo: [xyz]}, {bar: [abc]}} */
console.log(property.foo) /* [xyz] */;
console.log(property.bar) /* [abc] */;
Parses a query string into an object and location.search can be passed directly. Extract a query string from a URL that can be passed into the function and returns an array in the form of properties with corresponding array values.
For example,
/* location.search = '?foo=xyz&bar=abc' */
const list = urlToArray(location.search);
console.log(list); /* [{foo: [xyz]}, {bar: [abc]}] */
console.log(list[0]) /* {foo: [xyz] */;
console.log(list[1]) /* {bar: [abc]} */;
Converts an object with properties into a string URL which can be passed to the history API using push/replace or using Link, Redirect etc. The returned object is of type string.
For example,
/* {{foo:[abc, xyz]}, {bar: [xxx, yyy]}} */
let queryString = propertyToUrl(location.search);
queryString += "?" + propertyToUrl(params);
/* 'foo=abc,xyz&bar=xxx,yyy' */