Query logentries.com via their REST API
Query logentries.com via their REST API. Returns only the raw log messages you passed to logEntries at the time of logging. Supports both callback and streaming and uses request-retry-stream internally to make requests in order to be more robust in case of network glitches.
npm install --save query-logentries
How to initialize and available options:
const queryLogentriesFactory = require('query-logentries');
// Required. Replace with your API KEY
const apiKey = '6971aef7-998f-4cb2-9613-ddb42b9697b8';
// Optional. Defaults to https://rest.logentries.com/query/logs
const queryUrl = 'https://rest.logentries.com/query/logs';
const queryLogentries = queryLogentriesFactory(apiKey, queryUrl);
const opts = {
// Required. Set it to the id of the log in logEntries you wish
// to query
logId: '7d9ff278-3a6d-4c7a-8e65-df89fd3f5a96',
// Required. Set it to any valid value or stringDate that can
//be passed to a javascript Date object
from: '2017-01-01T00:00:00.000',
// Optional. If empty will default to now. Set it to any valid
// value or stringDate that can be passed to a javascript Date
// object
to: '2017-01-02T23:59:59.999',
// Optional. Default to 'where()'. The leql query you wish to
// query with. Please ensure it is a valid leql query or you
// get statusCode 400 errors from logEntries.
query: 'where(method=GET)',
// Optional. Defaults to 50. How many messages should be
// retrieved per paging request made to logEntries
perPage: 50,
// Optional. Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds). How long should
//the request wait before it times out
timeout: 30000,
// Optional. Defaults to 3000 (3 seconds). How long should
// this module wait when checking if a query response is
// finished on logEntries
pollInterval: 3000
After initializing, using it with callback:
queryLogentries(opts, (err, messages) => {
if (err) {
return; //TODO handle err
console.log('messages', messages);
After initializing, using it with streaming:
const pump = require('pump');
const through2 = require('through2');
const fs = require('fs');
const logEntriesStream = queryLogentries(opts);
const toStringStream = through2.obj(function(message, enc, callback) {
this.push(JSON.stringify(message) + '\n');
const toFileStream = fs.createWriteStream('./result.txt');
pump(logEntriesStream, toStringStream, toFileStream, err => {
if (err) {
//TODO handle err