(formerly gulp-starter) A full featured configurable gulp asset pipeline and static site builder
Blendid (formerly known as Gulp Starter) is a delicious stand-alone blend of tasks and build tools poured into Gulp to form a full-featured modern asset pipeline. It can be used as-is as a static site builder, or can be configured and integrated into your own development environment and site or app structure. The extras folder contains configuration details for Rails and Craft, with more to follow. Check out the compiled demo and play with the source files!
Quick start on a fresh project (empty directory)
yarn init
yarn add blendid
yarn run blendid -- init
yarn run blendid
This will create default src and config files in your directory and start compiling and live-updating files! Try editing them and watch your browser auto-update!
Recommended Setup
While you can install Node a variety of ways, and use NPM directly to install dependencies, we highly recommend using NVM to install and manage Node versions, and Yarn (via npm) to install and manage your JS dependencies, and run npm scripts and node_modles/.bin executables.
Blendid requires at least Node 6+
All commands should be run through yarn run
. If you haven't switched to yarn yet, now's a great time!
yarn run blendid
This is where the magic happens. The perfect front-end workflow. This runs the development task, which starts compiling, watching, and live updating all our files as we change them. BrowserSync will start a server on port 3000, or do whatever you've configured it to do. You'll be able to see live changes in all connected browsers. Don't forget about the additional BrowserSync tools available on port 3001!
yarn run blendid -- build
Compiles files for production to your destination directory. JS files are built with Webpack with standard production optimizations (uglfiy, etc.). CSS is run through CSSNano. If rev
is set to true
in your task-config.js
file, filenames will be hashed (file.css -> file-a8908d9io20.css) so your server may cache them indefinitely. A rev-manifest.json
file is output to the root of your dest
directory (public
by default), and maps original filenames to hashed ones. Helpers exist for Rails and Craft that read this file and automatically update replace filenames in your apps. CSS and HTML files read this file and string-replace filenames automatically.
yarn run blendid -- deploy
If you are building a static site, and would like to preview it on GitHub pages, this handy script does just that using gulp-gh-pages. Be sure to add or update the homepage
property in your package.json to point to your gh-pages url.
yarn run blendid-karma
Runs a pre-configured karma + mocha + chai test suite that will run any files ending in .test.js
in your src
directory. By default, this runs in watch mode.
To just run once, run:
yarn run blendid-karma -- --single-run
You may override the default configuration by creating a config
folder with the following two files in it: path-config.json
and task-config.js
. These files will be created by any of the -- init
tasks, or you can generate only the config files with the following command:
yarn run blendid -- init-config
This file specifies the src
and dest
root directories, and src
and dest
for each task, relative to the configured root. For example, if your source files live in a folder called app
, and your compiled files should be output to a folder called static
, you'd update the src
and dest
properties here to reflect that.
This file exposes per-task configuration and overrides. Better documentation is forth coming, but for now, the best way to see what you can change is to take a peak at the source tasks themselves: gulpfile.js. The webpack config exposes a ton: gulpfile.js/lib/webpack-multi-config.js
General Options (see task-config.json > options)
Tells gulp to clean target directory before task is running.reportSizes
Set to true if you want to see a size report when running the "production" or "build" task.watch
In "development" and "production" task the watcher will be disabled if you set this to "false".watchProduction
Enables the watcher in "production" task if you set this to "true".
Tasks will only run if a configuration exists for them in this file. For example, if your project has it's own handling HTML and templating (Rails, Craft, Django, etc), you may remove the html
config completely or set it to false
Can I customize and add Gulp tasks?
You could clone this repo, copy over the gulpfile.js folder and package.json dependencies and run gulp
instead of installing it as a module directly, or your could fork and maintain your own custom setup.
I don't see JS files in my dest directory during development
JS files are compiled and live-update via BrowserSync + WebpackDevMiddleware + WebpackHotMiddleware. That means, that you won't actually see .js
files output to your destination directory during development, but they will be available to your browser running on the BrowserSync port.
What's under the hood?
Gulp tasks! Built combining the following:
Feature | Packages Used
------ | -----
CSS | Sass (Libsass via node-sass), Autoprefixer, CSSNano, Source Maps
JavaScript | Babel, Webpack
HTML | Nunjucks, gulp-data, or bring your own
Pug/Jade | Pug, gulp-data, or bring your own
Images | ~~Compression with imagemin~~ See README
Icons | Auto-generated SVG Sprites
Fonts | Folder and .sass
mixin for including WebFonts
Live Updating | BrowserSync, Webpack Dev Middleware, Webpack Hot Middleware
Production Builds | CSS is minified, JS is compressed and optimized with various Webpack plugins, filename md5 hashing (reving), file size reporting, local production Express server for testing builds.
JS Testing | Karma, Mocha, Chai, and Sinon, Example Travis CI integration
Deployment | Quickly deploy public
folder to gh-pages with gulp-gh-pages
Visit code.viget.com to see more projects from Viget.