Generate Form for quasar
Generate Form for quasar
Install npm or yarn
npm i quasar-app-components
yarn add quasar-app-components
In your vue3 applications import component
<script setup lang="ts">
import { QInput } from 'quasar'
import { z } from 'zod'
import { AppForm, AppFormSchemaField } from 'quasar-app-components'
const modelSchema = z.object({
name: z.string().noempty(),
const schema: AppFormSchemaField[] = [
scope: 'name',
component: QInput,
defaultValue: '',
componentProps: {
label: 'Namn',
// component props i.e from quasar
square: true,
<app-form :schema="schema" :model-schema="modelSchema" />
| Prop | | Default | Required |
| -------------- | -------------------------------- | ------- | -------- |
| schema
| See AppFormSchemaField interface | | Yes |
| modelSchema
| A ZodType Object | | Yes |
| colGutter
| Gutter of columns | 'sm' | |
| modelValue
| Bind formData | | |
| readonly
| Make all fields readonly | false | |
| disable
| Make all fields disabled | false | |
| loading
| Bind loading prop buttons | false | |
| fieldWrapper
| Wrapper around all fields | 'div' | |
| Event | |
| -------- | ----------------------------------- |
| submit
| Returns validated formData if valid |
| reset
| Reset formData to defaultValues |
| error
| Returns field errors |
| Slot | |
| --------- | ----------------------------- |
| top
| Top slot for extra content |
| bottom
| Bottom slot for extra content |
| [scope]
| Overwrite schema component |
AppFormSchemaField interface
| Prop | | Default | Required |
| ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------- | -------- |
| scope
| Object path i.e 'obj.value' | | Yes |
| cols
| Span number of cols (max 12) | 'cols-auto' | |
| component
| Field component | | Yes |
| column
| Column position in row | 1 | |
| transform
| Transform value function before setting to modelValue | | |
| defaultValue
| Default value of field if not specified in AppForm modelValue prop | | Yes |
| componentProps
| Props to add to component | | Yes |
Easy to use quasar q-select with filtering, add new value, checkbox list.
| Props | |
| ------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| exactFilterMatch
| Filter exact |
| transformNewValue
| Transform new-value label & value |
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { AppSelect } from 'quasar-app-components'
const model = ref([])
const options = [
value: 1,
label: 'Test',
// optional
caption: 'Caption'
disable: true
value: 2,
label: 'Test 2',
<app-select v-model="model" multiple :options="options" new-value />
Uses quasar dialog plugin.
Open Modal
import { Dialog } from 'quasar'
import { useAppModal } from 'quasar-app-components'
useAppModal(Dialog, {
// Qdialog props
persistent: true,
// Modal title
title: 'Edit example',
// Fetch data when open modal, and are provided when injecting modal in slot component
dependencies: fetchDataArray,
// Modal slot component content
slot: {
component: ExampleContentComponent,
componentProps: {
// Slot component props
exampleProp: true,
// slot component
import { appModalInjectionKey } from 'quasar-app-components'
const props = defineProps<{ exampleProp: boolean }>()
const modal = inject(appModalInjectionKey) as AppModalProvider
// injected props
modal.pending // is submit pending
// data fetched in array from dependencies
// onSubmit promise fn callback (sets pending prop and closes modal by itself)
modal.onSubmit(() => {
return new Promise()
// close dialog (optional payload)
// close dialog
AppList & AppListItem
Recursive list. Open nested items in new list menu
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { QMenu } from 'quasar'
import { AppList, AppListItemProps } from 'quasar-app-components'
const listProps: QListProps = {
dense: false,
const items = ref<AppListItemProps[]>([
// AppListitem props
label: 'Settings',
icon: 'mdi-an-icon',
color: 'primary',
visible: true,
componentProps: {
// QItem props
disable: false,
items: [
label: 'More settings',
clickFn: () => {
// example open useAppModal()
<q-btn icon="mdi-dots-vertical">
<q-menu square>
<AppList :component="QMenu" :items="items" :props="listProps" />
<!-- or -->
<q-btn-dropdown label="Åtgärder">
<AppList :items="items" />