SPARQL query engine for quadstore, built on the Comunica framework
Comunica for quadstore
A SPARQL query engine for quadstore built on the Comunica framework and implementing the RDF/JS Query specification.
Practical examples of how to use the engine can be found in /examples
These examples complement the RDF/JS Query specification and
Comunica's documentation. See also the quadstore and comunica
For further information, please refer to quadstore's repository.
Basic usage
import { MemoryLevel } from 'memory-level';
import { DataFactory } from 'rdf-data-factory';
import { Quadstore } from 'quadstore';
import { Engine } from 'quadstore-comunica';
const backend = new MemoryLevel();
const df = new DataFactory();
const store = new Quadstore({ backend, dataFactory: df });
const engine = new Engine(store);
await store.open();
const bindingsStream = await engine.queryBindings('SELECT * {?s ?p ?o}');
bindingsStream.on('data', binding => console.log(binding));
SPARQL coverage
We're using the rdf-test-suite
package to validate our
support for SPARQL queries against official test suites published by the W3C.
We're currently testing against the following manifests:
- SPARQL 1.1 / QUERY: 301/301 (100%) tests passing
- SPARQL 1.1 / UPDATE: 155/157 (98.72%) tests passing