excel tool for transforming and loading excel data
Excel CLI Tool
Tool used for transforming excel files
- install nodejs and npm (the come packaged together when downloading node)
- open up terminal or command prompt and cd into the project directory
project directory will be where the excel tool resides. example: C:\users\dan\downloads\exceltool This is where the package.json and readme file is located
- run
npm install
- if you get errors, you might need to do
sudo npm install
or run the command.exe as an admin if on windows
How To Run
Prior to running:
(Setting the output directory is optional if you do not need reports for automation purposes)
go into excel/js/excelConfig.json
change outputDirectory to a folder on your computer where output files will be saved to. example /users/dan/Downloads/
or C:\users\dan\Downloads\
The output files are mainly used for test automation.
In the project directory run:
npm run exceltool
Then follow the prompts to get a generated file
Tips and Tricks
Type of file options:
All Ranked - all benes that have a rank number for each measure
All 616 - up to and including 616 ranked benes if they exist for each measure
All 248 - up to and including 248 ranked benes if they exist for each measure
Patient - Only fills out the patient qualified question to yes for all benes
NA - N/A's any cell that has data. (exception is prev 7 and discharge dates)
Blank - Clears out any cell that has data. (exception is prev 7 and discharge dates)
Other - Allows you to specifically set number of benes for each measure to fill out.
Errors - Fills out qualification question for one bene for each measure incorrectly producing an error on the ui
skip - Fills out bene info to skip the bene
random - Fills out random data for the benes (if skipped is set to no)
debug - adds some logging to the execution
verbose - adds stats to the execution
output reports - generates text files and a json to be used for other testing if needed.
Project Directory path for input and output files will check in the exceltool folder for files The files will need to be placed in the same folder as the package.json file in order to be picked up For entering some other path, make sure you have / or \ depending on your file system at the end of the path. You will get an error if you dont have a correctly formatted filepath mac example: /users/daniel/Downloads/ windows example: C:\users\daniel\Downloads\
Typically everything will be compiled, but if you do need to compile try the following:
- To compile the code, run
npm run compile
in the project directory
(Need to have typescript installed globally to compile)
npm install -g typescript
to install typescript globally
Skipped because of age reason counts will only be counted when NOT generating random data. Same goes for data irregularities.
Using NPM Package with Cypress
There are 2 ways to use this tool.
- In cypress project directory
- Run
sudo npm i qpp-bsr-excel-tool
- You can then run either
npx exceltool
(if you have npx) or./node_modules/.bin/exceltool
2)You can also install it globally.
sudo npm i -g qpp-bsr-excel-tool
. Then just type inexceltool
in your terminal and click enter.
npx exceltool --input="/users/danreale/Downloads/Org123-beneficiary-sample-list-without-data.xlsx" --output=/users/danreale/Downloads/Org123Bene616.xlsx --runtype=all --random=true, { timeout: 60000 }).its('code').should('eq', 0);
exceltool --input="/users/danreale/Downloads/Org123-beneficiary-sample-list-without-data.xlsx" --output=/users/danreale/Downloads/Org123Bene616.xlsx --runtype=all --random=true, { timeout: 60000 }).its('code').should('eq', 0);
Excel Data Load Tool Command Line
How to use:
exceltool --input --output options
Excel Examples
Enter data for specific amount of beneficiaries for each measure
exceltool --patient=5000 --care1=1 --care2=50 --dm=3 --htn2=4 --ivd2=5 --mh1=6 --prev5=7 --prev6=8 --prev7=9 --prev8=10 --prev9=11 --prev10=12 --prev12=13 --prev13=14 --input=/Users/danielreale/Downloads/DanFileTest.xlsx --output=/Users/danielreale/Downloads/DanFileTestOut.xlsx
Example for filling out 15 care2 patients that qualify for sample with random answers
exceltool --input=/Users/danielreale/Downloads/DanFileTest.xlsx --output=/Users/danielreale/Downloads/DanFileTestOut.xlsx --care2=15 --random=true
All 616 benes filled out for each measure consecutively
exceltool --input=/Users/danielreale/Downloads/Dev986WithoutData.xlsx --output=/Users/danielreale/Downloads/Dev986Out9.xlsx --runtype=all
Minimum 248 benes filled out for each measure consecutively
exceltool --input=/Users/danielreale/Downloads/Dev986WithoutData.xlsx --output=/Users/danielreale/Downloads/Dev986Out9.xlsx --runtype=min
Fills out only the patient info for all patients
exceltool --input=/Users/danielreale/Downloads/Dev986WithoutData.xlsx --output=/Users/danielreale/Downloads/Dev986Out9.xlsx --runtype=patients
Fills out the patient data as 'Yes' qualified for sampleResets every measure and patient data back to N/A (Any cell that has a value, will be changed to N/A, with expception of predefined cells)
exceltool --input=/Users/danielreale/Downloads/Dev986WithoutData.xlsx --output=/Users/danielreale/Downloads/Dev986Out9.xlsx --na=true
Randomized the answers/ Shows the verbose output of number of each answer
exceltool --input=/Users/danielreale/Downloads/Dev986WithoutData.xlsx --output=/Users/danielreale/Downloads/Dev986Out9.xlsx --runtype=all --random=true --verbose=true
Skips Beneficiary Consecutively by setting Qualified to No-Other Approved CMS Reason
exceltool --input=/Users/danielreale/Downloads/IMP969WithoutData.xlsx --output=/Users/danielreale/Downloads/IMP969Out929.xlsx --runtype=min --verbose=true --skipped=true
--runtype is optional (if you set this argument, you do not need to set the individual measures, otherwise you will need to enter each individual measure as an argument with the number of beneficiaries you want to enter data for)(type are all, min, patients)
--verbose is optional argument. Gives you count of the answers to the qualification quesstion for each measure.
--random is optional argument. use this if you want random answers to all measure questions.
exceltool --help
for more info on the arguments and defaults
Deleting All Values from With Data Sheet
exceltool --input="/Users/danielreale/Downloads/v5.xlsx" --output="/Users/danielreale/Downloads/v5blankout.xlsx" --blank=true --verbose=true
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