QMIT development SDK and CLI
1. Handbook
Handbook for introduction of QMIT system infrastructure
2. CLI
$ yarn global add qmit-sdk
$ qmit --help
qmit <command>
qmit context [services..] Configure or show current context. [aliases: ctx]
qmit resource Show cloud resource of current context.
[aliases: res]
qmit login [services..] Invoke login process.
qmit cluster [options..] Create a VPN-tunnel with current cluster-alias
context. It will invoke telepresence command to
establish a VPN-tunnel with cluster.
It runs: telepresence --also-proxy ... [options..]
qmit app Create a service broker with current app-env
context. It will run a REPL interface to
communicate with internal nodes and services. A
VPN-tunnel with proper cluster should be
established before.
It runs: moleculer connect redis://....
qmit open [services..] List or open public service endpoints. Service
information are derived from vault:
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
$ qmit ctx
=== QMIT CLI Context ===
║ Service │ Current Context │ Installed CLI ║
║ qmit │ app-env: dev │ v1.0.16/v1.0.17 ║
║ │ cluster-name: dev │ ║
║ │ cluster-zone: asia-northeast1-a │ ║
║ │ kubectl-context: gke_qmit-pro_asia-northeast1-a_dev │ ║
║ vault │ email: [email protected] │ v1.4.1/v1.4.1 ║
║ │ name: 김동욱 │ ║
║ │ role: default │ ║
║ │ policies: default, developer │ ║
║ gcloud │ account: [email protected] │ v292.0.0/v292.0.0 ║
║ kubectl │ cluster: gke_qmit-pro_asia-northeast1-a_dev │ v1.14.10/v1.14.10 ║
║ │ user: gke_qmit-pro_asia-northeast1-a_dev │ ║
║ │ namespace: default │ ║
║ telepresence │ session: 913d91a533494899b25158f55124fee4 │ v0.105/v0.105 ║
║ │ deployment: telepresence-1590563677-551853-35800 │ ║
║ │ namespace: default │ ║
║ │ images: datawire/telepresence-k8s:0.105 │ ║
║ │ created at: 2020-05-27T07:14:47Z │ ║
║ moleculer │ namespace: dev (app-env) │ v0.7.1/v0.7.1 ║
║ │ │ ║
3. SDK
- A. vault secret management
- To read vault secrets with either local or kubernetes pod token.
- B. moleculer service broker
- To fetch global moleculer service broker configuration for connecting QMIT micro services.
- Support separated app environment and k8s cluster context.
3.1. Node.js SDK
A. vault
import { vault } from "qmit-sdk";
// it resolves synchronously!
const config = vault.fetch(async (get, list, { appEnv, clusterName, anyVer }) => {
const [whatever, something] = await Promise.all([
get("common/data/some-mysql/secrets").then(res => res.data),
get(`${appEnv}/data/envDependentSecrets`).then(res => res.data),
// do whatever here
return {
}, {
sandbox: {
anyVar: "blablabla..",
// ...
B. moleculer
import { ServiceBroker } from "moleculer";
import { moleculer } from "qmit-sdk";
const broker = new ServiceBroker(moleculer.createServiceBrokerOptions());
// ...