A wrapper for jade templates to add transparent support for promise locals, among other things
A wrapper for jade templates to add transparent support for promise locals, among other things.
var qjade = require("qjade"), path = require("path");
var newtemplate = new qjade({
path : path.join(__dirname,"somefile.jade"),
pubic : true,
staticpath : path.join(__dirname,"somefile.js")
somevalue : Q(10)
new qjade(config)
Config options:
- name: name of the template
- path: full path for the jade template
- public: turns on generation of static JS templates - these are requirable
- staticpath: full path for the static JS template
- debug: includes debug code in compiled templates (including the static JS), and sets up a watch on the jade file to automatically recompile templates when they change
All of these options can be passed into the initialization config or set on the resulting object afterwards.
Runs the template and returns a promise that will be fulfilled with the resulting HTML. The optional locals hash can contain promises at any depth, even nested.
Recompiles the render function, and the static JS file if appropriate, from the source jade file.
Automatic Discovery
var qjade = require("qjade"), path = require("path");
var templates = qjade.discover(__dirname,{
name : function(file){
return file.relativepath.replace(/\.jade$/,"");
Walks a specified directory, automatically loading found jade files, and returning resulting hash.
Config options:
- name: a function that accepts a file hash and returns the template name
- public: a boolean OR a function that accepts a file hash and returns a boolean
- staticpath: a path string OR a function that accetps a file hash and returns a path. If this is a string, it is prepended to the file's relative path.
- debug: a boolean OR a function that accepts a file hash and returns a boolean
The hash passed into the functions contains basepath, relativepath, and fullpath of the jade file.