Keyed observable array
Keyed observable array.
npm add qing-keyed-array
import KeyedObservableArray from 'qing-keyed-array';
// Contains information about a change in immutable mode.
export interface ChangeInfo<K> {
// The index associated with the change.
index: number;
// Number of changed keys.
numberOfChanges: number;
// Updated keys.
updated?: K[];
// Added keys.
added?: K[];
// Removed keys.
removed?: K[];
// An extra piece of data associated with this change.
tag?: unknown;
class KeyedObservableArray<K, T> {
// Creates an instance of `KeyedObservableArray`.
// `immutable` if `this.array` will be changed in a immutable way.
// `keyFn` function to get the key from an array element.
constructor(immutable: boolean, keyFn: (item: T) => K);
// Whether the internal array is immutable.
readonly immutable: boolean;
// Fires when the internal array changes in immutable mode.
changed?: (sender: this, e: ChangeInfo<K>) => void;
// An extra piece of data associated with this change.
// It gets reset every time `changed` fires.
tag?: unknown;
// Gets the number of elements.
get count(): number;
// Gets the internal array.
get array(): ReadonlyArray<T>;
// Gets the internal map.
get map(): Readonly<Map<K, T>>;
// Appends the given items to the end of the array.
push(...items: T[]): number;
// Inserts items into the given index.
insert(index: number, ...items: T[]): number;
// Removes an item at the given index.
deleteByIndex(index: number): void;
// Removes the item associated with the given key.
deleteByKey(key: K): void;
// Replaces the item associated with the given item key with the new item.
update(newItem: T);
// Returns if the internal map contains the given key.
containsKey(key: K): boolean;