A full-featured Markdown editor, breaks the wall between writing and preview.
Breaks the Wall between writing and preview, in a Markdown Editor.
Online Demo | Examples | Documentation
// npm install --save hypermd codemirror
var HyperMD = require('hypermd')
var myTextarea = document.getElementById('input-area')
var editor = HyperMD.fromTextArea(myTextarea)
Also for RequireJS, Parcel, webpack, plain browser env. Read the Doc
Start Development
# Install packages
npm run dev_init
# Run demo page
npm run dev
# Run test
npm run test
Why use HyperMD?
HyperMD is a set of CodeMirror add-ons / modes / themes / commands / keymap etc.
You may use both original CodeMirror and HyperMD on the same page.
🌈 Write, and preview on the fly
- Regular Markdown blocks and elements
- Strong, Emphasis, ~~Strikethrough~~,
- Links, Images
- Title / Quote / Code Block / List / Horizontal Rule
- Strong, Emphasis, ~~Strikethrough~~,
- Markdown Extension
- Simple Table
- Footnote [^1]
- [x] TODO List (the box is clickable)
- YAML Front Matter
- $\LaTeX$ Formula, inline or block display mode [^4]
- Emoji:
=> :joy: (also support custom emoji)
- And more
- HTML in Markdown -- WYSIWIG MDX is possible
- #hashtag support [^6] , see demo
- Flowchart and Diagrams (mermaid or flowchart.js)
💪 Better Markdown-ing Experience
- Upload Images and files via clipboard, or drag'n'drop
- Alt+Click to open link / jump to footnote [^1]
- Hover to read footnotes
- Copy and Paste, translate HTML into Markdown [^5]
- Easy and ready-to-use Key-bindings (aka. KeyMap)
🎁 CodeMirror benefits
- Syntax Highlight for code blocks, supports 120+ languages[^2]. Mode can be loaded on-demand.
- Configurable key-bindings
- Diff and Merge
- Themes [^3]
- Almost all of CodeMirror addons!
🔨 Extensible and Customizable
- Use PowerPacks to integrate 3rd-party libs and services on-the-fly
- MathJax, marked, KaTeX and more.
- Read the list
- HyperMD functions are highly modulized
🎹 Tailored KeyMap "HyperMD":
- Table
- Enter Create a table with
| column | line |
- Enter Insert new row, or finish a table (if last row is empty)
- Tab or Shift-Tab to navigate between cells
- Enter Create a table with
- List
- Tab or Shift-Tab to indent/unindent current list item
- Formatting a nearby word (or selected text)
- Ctrl+B bold
- Ctrl+I emphasis
- Ctrl+D ~~strikethrough~~
Special Thanks
💎 Service and Resource
🌟 Sponsors
🙏 Sponsors (sorted by date)
HyperMD is a personal Open-Source project by laobubu. Contributions are welcomed. You may:
- Fork on GitHub , create your amazing themes and add-ons.
- Buy me a Coffee
- Spread HyperMD to the world!
[^1]: Ctrl+Click works too, but will jump to the footnote if exists.
[^2]: Languages as many as CodeMirror supports.
[^3]: If the theme is not designed for HyperMD, some features might not be present.
[^4]: Math block use $$
to wrap your TeX expression.
[^5]: Use Ctrl+Shift+V
to paste plain text.
[^6]: Disabled by default, see doc; #use two hash symbol# if tag name contains spaces.
Adding CUSTOM tokens for the editor
Steps to create a new token for the Editor(HyperMD-Fork)
/src/core/line-spans.ts In the const SpanType = '' // add the token name separated by '|'. eg: superscript In "getTokenTypes" function // add the token executor for start and end. This adds span for the tokens(start and end)
/src/addon/hide-token.ts // in the below constant add the token name in tokenTypes separated by '|': eg: superscript export const defaultOption: Options = { enabled: false, line: true, tokenTypes: "em|strong|strikethrough|code|linkText|task|customLink|highlightText".split("|"), }
/src/mode/hypermd.ts // in the below constant add the constant to define. The assignment is options as it is a default value export const enum LinkType { SUPERSCRIPT = true } or export const enum LinkType { SUPERSCRIPT }
// in the below constant add the class name that has to be added for the element const linkStyle = { [LinkType.BARELINK]: "hmd-barelink", [LinkType.BARELINK2]: "hmd-barelink2", [LinkType.SUPERSCRIPT]: "hmd-superscript" }
// in the below function, add your implementation under if(markdown) condition. verify the existing code for reference newMode.token = function (stream, state) { }
/mode/hypermd.scss // find the line matching below and add your class to it eg: cm-superscript; This is to hide the token span.hmd-hidden-token {
&.cm-formatting-em, &.cm-formatting-strong, &.cm-formatting-strikethrough, &.cm-formatting-code, &.cm-formatting-link, &.cm-customlink, &.cm-highlightText { @extend %hidden-token; }
// similarly dark theme or any theme should be updated
- /theme/hypermd-light.scss // add required style under .cm-s-hypermd-light { // here your styles }