Opens access to QEWD-JSdb from a Piscina Worker Thread
Opens access to QEWD-JSdb from a Piscina Worker Thread
Rob Tweed [email protected]
29 June 2020, M/Gateway Developments Ltd http://www.mgateway.com
Twitter: @rtweed
Google Group for discussions, support, advice etc: http://groups.google.co.uk/group/enterprise-web-developer-community
About qewd-jsdb-piscina
This module should be used within a Piscina Worker Thread module to:
- open a connection to the YottaDB Database
- create the QEWD-JSdb abstraction of its Global Storage database, giving you access to its persistent JavaScript Objects and multi-model database functionality
Installing qewd-jsdb-piscina
npm install qewd-jsdb-piscina
Using qewd-jsdb-piscina
Within your Piscina Worker Thread module:
const jsdb = require('qewd-jsdb-piscina')();
Note: By default, qewd-jsdb-piscina assumes you're using YottaDB as your database, installed using a default configuration. For any other configuration or database, you'll have to specify the database connection parameters, passed as an argument to the qewd-jsdb-piscina module. For example, if you're using InterSystems IRIS as your database:
const jsdb = require('qewd-jsdb-piscina')({
database: {
"type": "IRIS",
"path": "C:\\InterSystems\\IRIS\\Mgr",
"username": "_SYSTEM",
"password": "SYS",
"namespace": "USER"
You'll then have access to the QEWD-JSdb APIs, eg instantiate a Document Node Object representing the persistent database document named Person
let person = jsdb.use('Person');
You then have access to all of the Document Node Object's properties and methods.
Further information on QEWD-JSdb can be read here.
Read here for further information on using QEWD-JSdb with Piscina.
Also see the included example.
Closing the QEWD-JSdb Connection
When your Piscina Worker Thread module has completed its processing, you should close the connection to QEWD-JSdb before allowing the Worker Thread to stop: