An extension of the debug module that adds a '%x' format for brief readable output of byte arrays including node Buffer objects.
Complies with the 100% test coverage and minimum dependency requirements of qb-standard .
npm i qb-debug
hex buffer example
qb-debug is a debug with an extra '%x' formatter added. Use it just like npm debug...
var debug = require('debug')('example')
debug.enabled = true // also controlled by the DEBUG environment - see the original debug module.
For byte buffers, normal debug just lists the integer contents.
var buf = Uint8Array.from([
42, 107, 241, 210, 9, 77, 192, 188, 120, 32, 12,
0, 210, 9, 77, 192, 188, 120, 32, 12, 0, 210, 9,
77, 192, 188, 120, 32, 12, 0, 210, 9, 77, 192,
188, 120, 32, 12, 0, 210, 9, 77, 192, 188, 120,
32, 12, 0, 210, 9, 77, 192, 188, 120, 32, 12, 0
With normal debug, buffers are hard to recognize for short buffers such as 20 byte hashes, and a problem when working with larger buffers:
debug('buffer with s format: %s', buf)
> debug1 buffer with s format: 42,107,241,210,9,77,192,188,120,32,12,0,210,9,77,192,188,120,32,12,0,210,9,77,192,188,120,32,12,0,210,9,77,192,188,120,32,12,0,210,9,77,192,188,120,32,12,0,210,9,77,192,188,120,32,12,0 +0ms
qb-debug %x format gives 'x' followed by the first eight bytes in hex. This is usually enough to recognize an id or key:
debug('buffer with x format: %x', buf)
> debug buffer with x format: x2A6BF1D2 +2ms
ASCII buffers
The %x format detects when a buffer contains all printable ascii values (> 31 and < 127) and in these cases prints out simple ascii:
var asc = Uint8Array.from([97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105])
with %x:
debug('ascii buffers with s/j: %x and %x', asc, {key: asc})
> debug ascii buffers with s/j: abcdefgh and {"key":"abcdefgh"} +1ms
with %s and %j:
debug('ascii buffers with s: %s and %j', asc, {key: asc})
> debug ascii buffers with s: 97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105 and {"key":{"0":97,"1":98,"2":99,"3":100,"4":101,"5":102,"6":103,"7":104,"8":105}} +0ms
Nested Object Handling with %x format
If you pass a nessted object to qb-debug with %x format, the object will be converted to a JSON string with buffer short hex handling for all buffers and byte arrays within the object.
So if you view id's and keys in inside an object:
debug('nested object with x format: %x', { name: 'an object', values: [buf, null, 'last'] } )
> debug nested object with x format: {"name":"an object","values":["x2A6BF1D2",null,"last"]} +1ms
instead of the this JSON output (using the normal %j):
debug('nested object with j format: %j', { name: 'an object', values: [buf, null, 'last'] } )
> debug1 nested object with j format: {"name":"an object","values":[{"0":42,"1":107,"2":241,"3":210,"4":9,"5":77,"6":192,"7":188,"8":120,"9":32,"10":12,"11":0,"12":210,"13":9,"14":77,"15":192,"16":188,"17":120,"18":32,"19":12,"20":0,"21":210,"22":9,"23":77,"24":192,"25":188,"26":120,"27":32,"28":12,"29":0,"30":210,"31":9,"32":77,"33":192,"34":188,"35":120,"36":32,"37":12,"38":0,"39":210,"40":9,"41":77,"42":192,"43":188,"44":120,"45":32,"46":12,"47":0,"48":210,"49":9,"50":77,"51":192,"52":188,"53":120,"54":32,"55":12,"56":0},null,"last"]} +0ms
If all values in a formatted buffer are printable ascii (> 31 and < 127), then %x gives the ascii representation: