Generate random combinations from pre-defined character sets
Generate random combinations from pre-defined character sets. Use juice to generate dummy data for testing.
npm install qantra-juice
Require Juice
const Juice = require('qantra-juice');
Define Character Sets
const sets = {
lowercase: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
numbers: '1234567890',
special: '@%+!#$?:~'
Define Combinations
reference previously created sets. For example: 'alpha-numberic' combinations is formed by combining the defined sets 'lowercase', 'uppercase' and 'numbers'
const combos = {
'lowercase': ['lowercase'],
'uppercase': ['uppercase'],
'numbers': ['numbers'],
'alpha-numeric': ['lowercase','uppercase','numbers'],
'complex': ['lowercase','uppercase','numbers','special'],
'lowercase-alpha-numeric': ['lowercase', 'numbers'],
'uppercase-alpha-numeric': ['uppercase', 'numbers']
Define Models ( Optional )
models are specific shape of output that you want to generate using a defined rules with the help of combinations.
email model: start with generating 10 characters from the predefined lowercase-alpha-numeric' combination, end with string ''
egyptian mobile number model: start with string '0' then take random from given array of strings ['10','15','11'] end with 8 characters from the predefined 'numbers' combination
In Models
- strings are added as they are.
- arrays of strings a random index will be selected
- objects must contain a combination refernce as key and length as value
const models = {
'email': [
{ 'lowercase-alpha-numeric': 10 }, // start with generating 10 characters from the predefined lowercase-alpha-numeric' combination
'', //end with string ''
'mobile': [
'0', //start with string '0'
['10','15','11'], //then take random from given array of strings ['10','15','11']
{'numbers': 8 }, //end with 8 characters from the predefined 'numbers' combination
Create Juice Instance
let juice = new Juice( sets, combos, models );
Generate From Combinations
// juice.generate( combination name , combination length);
juice.generate('uppercase-alpha-numeric', 20) //39ISJ0830004090S3T03 - using sets ['uppercase', 'numbers']
juice.generate('complex', 20) //4q15@5i54HDqH$d@54K@ - using sets ['lowercase','uppercase','numbers','special']
juice.generate('alpha-numeric', 70) //o1jWa4xV143vDSAKatR91f50I4I61aLV486kD5TALewKV0lfK01S1KkSDKn1lAR11Ya30k - using sets ['lowercase','uppercase','numbers']
juice.generate('lowercase', 10) //gbsimffbiy - using sets ['lowercase']
Generate From Models
//juice.model( model name );
juice.model('email'); //[email protected] - using 10 characters from 'lowercase-alpha-numeric' and adding
juice.model('mobile'); //01545248442 - starting with '0' then getting a random input from array ['10','15','11'] and finally adding 8 characters from the 'numbers' comb