A CLI tool for Nested projects
A CLI for nested Projects
npm i -g qak
Usage (get commands)
Usage if unique command (if not unique qak will give you a table of ambiguity)
qak uniqueCommand
Usage if you want project scripts
qak project
Usage if you want to run a command in a specific project when that command is used in multiple projects
qak project command
qak command project
passing args thru qak
qak command project --remoteUrl=localhost
Qak will
- set env var remoteUrl = 'localhost';
- set the args on the command call to match as well
qak ambiquity (if there is any it will output a table to stdout)
$> qak postinstall
║ Project │ Command │ Script ║
║ integration-test │ postinstall │ ./scripts/;webdriver-manager update ║
║ system-test │ postinstall │ webdriver-manager update ║
if you give it a project name but no command qak will tell you the availible commands
$> qak api
║ Project │ Command │ Script ║
║ api │ serve │ npm run swagger; nodemon src/server.js ║
║ api │ swagger │ node tasks/buildSwaggerDef.js ║
║ │ │ ../client/doc/swagger.json swagger.yml localdev ║
║ api │ test │ ./../node_modules/.bin/cucumber-js --tags '@wip' ║
and if you just do qak you'll get it all
$> qak
║ Project │ Command │ Script ║
║ admin │ test │ npm run test-service;npm run test-ui ║
║ admin │ test-ui │ cd client;npm test;npm run e2e;cd .. ║
║ api │ serve │ npm run swagger; nodemon src/server.js ║
║ api │ swagger │ node tasks/buildSwaggerDef.js ║
║ │ │ ../client/doc/swagger.json swagger.yml localdev ║
║ client │ ng │ ng ║
║ client │ start │ webpack-dev-server --port=4200 ║
║ client │ test │ karma start ./karma.conf.js ║
║ client │ e2e │ chimp ║
║ client │ lint │ ng lint ║
║ client │ bower-install │ bower install && ./scripts/ ║
║ client │ i18n │ node ./scripts/aggregatei18n.js ║
║ integration-test │ postinstall │ ./scripts/;webdriver-manager update ║
║ system-test │ postinstall │ webdriver-manager update ║
Partial match - this module uses digital-search which uses a digital trie to search possible choices
$> qak ap
║ Project │ Command │ Script ║
║ api │ serve │ npm run swagger; nodemon src/server.js ║
║ api │ swagger │ node tasks/buildSwaggerDef.js ║
║ │ │ ../client/doc/swagger.json swagger.yml localdev ║
║ api │ test │ ./../node_modules/.bin/cucumber-js --tags '@wip' ║
$> qak adm
║ Project │ Command │ Script ║
║ admin │ test │ npm run test-service;npm run test-ui ║
║ admin │ test-ui │ cd client;npm test;npm run e2e;cd .. ║
if the partial match has only a single result it will execute!
$> qak ad tes
║ Project │ Command │ Script ║
║ admin │ test │ npm run test-service;npm run test-ui ║
executing test...