Query string to mongodb paginated aggregation
✍️ Introduction
The "query to mongo aggregate" (q2ma in short) is a tool to execute a mongodb paginated query (using find or aggregate) based on URI query parameters using query-to-mongo.
If you need to execute a aggregation query and provide your own aggregation stages (other than pagination related stages) you can simply pass a pipeline
option. Otherwise the paginated query is executed using find
⛹️ Examples
Simple Paginated Query
To run a simple paginated query on a collection (which is internally executed using find
const { q2ma } = require(q2ma);
const myModel = require("./model");
const queryString = "name=john&age>21&fields=name,age&sort=name,-age&offset=0&limit=10";
await q2ma(myModel, {queryString});
Result: [
"_id": "23fr42tv426gv"
"name": "john 1",
"age": 25
"_id": "ryb456ubn56un"
"name": "john 2",
"age": 24
Total: 10
Using query-to-mongo we produce the following from that queryString
const criteria = {
name: 'john',
age: { $gt: 21 }
const fields = {
name: true, age: true
const options = {
sort: { name: 1, age: -1 },
offset: 10,
limit: 10
Then q2ma
will execute the following queries in parallel:
myModel.find(criteria, projects, options)
Paginated Aggregation Query
To apply pagination on an aggregation query
const { q2ma } = require(q2ma);
const myModel = require("./model");
const queryString = "age>21&fields=_id,names&sort=_id&offset=0&limit=10";
const pipelines = [
{ $group: {
_id: "age",
names: { $push: "$name" }
} }
await q2ma(myModel, {queryString, pipelines});
Result: [
"age": 24,
"names": ["john 1"]
"age": 25,
"names": ["john 2", "susie"]
Total: 10
Then q2ma
produces and executes the following aggregation query using that queryString
and pipelines
{ $match: { age: { $gt: 21 } } },
{ $group: {
_id: "age",
names: { $push: "$name" }
} },
{ $facet: {
total: [{ $group: { _id: "total", sum: { $sum: 1 } } }],
pagedResult: [{ $sort: { name: 1, age: -1, _id: -1 } }, { $skip: 0 }, { $limit: 10 }, { $project: { _id: 1, names: 1 } }],
} }
Note that your filters will go into a match stage before your own pipeline stages and the sorting and paging related stages goes last. To change this behavior you could pass {matchPosition: 'END'}
in the options
🚀 Installation
$ npm i q2ma
# or
$ yarn add q2ma
📖 Documentation
q2ma(collection, {options})
| Parameter | Format | Description | Required |
| --------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------- |
| collection
| Object | mongo driver collection reference or mongoose model name | ✔ |
| options
| Object | Options is an object like follow: { filter, project, options, pipelines, queryString, dateFields, dateFormat, matchPosition }
| ❌ |
If you have mongodb pipelines aggregation you can use following combination:
{pipelines, queryString, dateFields, dateFormat, matchPosition}
| Parameter | Format | Description | Example | Default Value |
| --------- | ------ | ----------- | ------- | ------------- |
| pipelines
| Array | --- | [ { $unwind: 'profile.cards' } ]
| --- |
| queryString
| String | --- | name=john&age>21&fields=name,age&sort=name,-age&offset=10&limit=10
| --- |
| dateFields
| String Array | --- | --- | ["createdAt", "modifiedAt", "updatedAt", "removedAt", "deletedAt", "verifiedAt", "confirmedAt", "timestamp"]
| dateFormat
| String | enum NUMBER|DATE
| --- | DATE
| matchPosition
| String | where do you want to add your custom pipelines before queryString match or after it. enum START|END
| --- | START
If your query is simple and then need some kind of filter and projection like find
or findOne
you can use following combination:
{filter, project, options, queryString, dateFields, dateFormat}
| Parameter | Format | Description | Example | Default Value |
| --------- | ------ | ----------- | -------- | ------------- |
| filter
| Object | like input parameter to find/findOne
| {name: "Ed", 'profile.card': xx-xxx-xxx}
| --- |
| project
| Object | like input parameter to find/findOne
| {profile: 1, name: 1, transaction: 1}
| --- |
| options
| Object | like input parameter to find/findOne
| {sort: {'profile.phone': -1}, skit: 10}
| --- |
| queryString
| String | like url string | name=john&age>21&fields=name,age&sort=name,-age&offset=10&limit=10
| --- |
| dateFields
| String Array | --- | ['timeAt']
| ["createdAt", "modifiedAt", "updatedAt", "removedAt", "deletedAt", "verifiedAt", "confirmedAt", "timestamp"]
| dateFormat
| String | enum NUMBER|DATE
| --- | DATE
NOTE: Sort default is based on _id.
🤝 Contributing
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Note: Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
👋 Contact
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate, you can reach me by the following:
- Twitter: @mhossein_
- Github: @HMarzban
- Email: [email protected]
📝 License
This project is Apache licensed.