general build process
Qlik-2-Go Builder (q2g-build)
Qlik2Go Build Process which contains multiple build proceses for Webpack and Typescript, maintainly used to build and deploy qlik extensions on qlik sense.
Initialize new project
Create new extensions (or open existing one)
# install q2g-build globally so we could use q2g-build cli
# in futurew releases we will remove q2b-cli to a own package
npm i -g q2g-build
# create extension base directory
mkdir q2g-demo-extension
mkdir q2g-demo-extension\extension
# create extension specific files
copy NUL > q2g-demo-extension\tsconfig.json # or tsc --init in q2g-demo-extension directory
copy NUL > q2g-demo-extension\extension\index.ts
copy NUL > q2g-demo-extension\extension\index.html
copy NUL > q2g-demo-extension\index.css # you could also use scss / less
cd q2g-demo-extension
npm init
npm i --save-dev q2g-build
update tsconfig.json
you can simply create a new tsconfig.json file with tsc --init also and adjust by your needs
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es5",
"module": "commonjs",
"strict": true,
"esModuleInterop": true,
"include": ["./extension/**/*"],
"exclude": ["node_modules"]
Add code
import "./index.css";
import template from "./index.html";
export = {
definition: {},
initialProperties: {},
support: {
snapshot: false,
export: false,
exportData: false
controller: ["$scope", "$element", ($scope: any, $element) => {
/** angularjs code goes here */
<h1>Qlik 2 Go Demo Extension</h1>
<div class="message-box">
welcome to qlik extensions
.message-box {
color: blue;
Use q2gb cli
You can allways create all required configuration files by your own if you want, but we will use q2gb cli which helps us to create required configuration files. It also updates the package json and add required npm scripts to start build process (dev and prod), also qext file informations.
C:\Users\rhannuschka\work\q2g-demo-extension>q2gb --init extension
| Qlik2Go - Build Cli |
| |
| Initialize configurations for: extension |
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
Webpack$ entry file (relative path): ./extension/index.ts
Webpack$ out filename: q2gb-demo-extension
Webpack$ out directory (relative path): ./dist
Webpack$ enable watchmode (true|false) only development mode: true
Qext$ icon: extension
Qext$ type: visualization
Qext$ id: q2gb-demo-extension
Qext$ enable continues integration: true
| Success |
| |
| created file: q2g-build.webpack.json |
| add build scripts to package.json |
| added qext properties to package.json |
| created file: wbfolder.wbl |
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
After this we are done and can use q2g-build with npm scripts.
# enable watch development mode (this will also watch your files and import the extension to qlik-sense desktop)
npm run q2g-build:dev
# production mode, file will minimized
npm run q2g-build:prod
It is also possible to create only a webpack build.
q2gb --init webpack
Special Thanks to Lucas Schroth from Akquinet for feedback and improving q2g-build process.
q2g extension builder
q2g typescript builder
q2g webpack builder