APIs to create efficient merkle sum tree and to generate and verify proofs of membership
TypeScript library to create Merkle Sum Trees starting from username -> balance
entries. The root of the tree contains the sum of all the entries, representing the total liabilities of a CEX.
This package is a fork of ZK-KIT
What is a Merkle Sum Tree?
A Merkle Sum Tree is a binary Merkle Tree with the following properties:
- Each entry of a Merkle Sum Tree is a pair of a username and a balance.
- Each Leaf Node contains a hash and a sum. The hash is equal to H(username, balance). The sum is equal to the balance itself.
- Each Middle Node contains a hash and a sum. The hash is equal to H(LeftChild.hash, LeftChild.sum, RightChild.hash, RightChild.sum). The sum is equal to the sum of the sums of its children.
- The Root Node represents the committed state of the Tree and contains the sum of all the entries' balances.
The MerkleSumTree class is a TypeScript implementation of a Merkle Sum tree and it
provides all the functions to create a tree starting from a csv file that contains a list of entries in the format
username -> balance
npm install pyt-merkle-sum-tree
Import your database of users and their balances to a csv file, for example entry-16-valid.csv.
APIs - Merkle Sum Tree
# new MerkleSumTree(pathToCsv: string): MerkleSumTree
import { MerkleSumTree } from "pyt-merkle-sum-tree"
const pathToCsv = "test/entries/entry-16-valid.csv"
const tree = new MerkleSumTree(pathToCsv) // Init a tree from the entries in the csv file
# entries: []Entry
The entries contains the username parsed as a BigInt. This transformation is performed here. We need the username to be express as BigInt in order to operate with zkSNARKs.
const entries = tree.entries
// [
// Entry {
// _usernameToBigInt: 7440338505707899769n,
// _balance: 7534n,
// _username: 'gAdsIaKy'
// },
// Entry {
// _usernameToBigInt: 6008493982388733799n,
// _balance: 2060n,
// _username: 'SbuqOZGg'
// },
// ...
// ]
# leaves: []Node
const leaves = tree.leaves
// [
// {
// hash: 937608857767727606133996830760270048555279161038903523915984285975854603703n,
// sum: 7534n
// },
// {
// hash: 3405497655013061136502768874542176491465275092205995841574082657535821212714n,
// sum: 2060n
// },
// ...
// ]
# root: Node
const root = tree.root
// {
// hash: 5256203632563331423195629050622063453704745190370457907459595269961493651429n,
// sum: 84359n
// }
# indexOf(username: string, balance: bigint): number
Returns the index of an entry in the tree. If the entry is not in the tree, it returns -1.
const index = tree.indexOf("gAdsIaKy", BigInt(7543)) // 0
# createProof(index: number): MerkleProof
Creates a proof of membership for an entry identified by its index. The MerkleProof contains the path from the leaf to the root.
const proof = tree.createProof(0)
# verifyProof(proof: MerkleProof): boolean
Verifies a proof and returns true or false. It verifies that a leaf is included in the tree and that the sum computed from the leaf to the root is equal to the total sum of the tree.
tree.verifyProof(proof) // true
Code Quality and Formatting
Run ESLint to analyze the code and catch bugs:
npm run lint
Run Prettier to check formatting rules and to fix them:
npm run format
npm run test
To build a Merkle Sum Tree with 262144 (2**18 leaves) it takes 154s on a Macbook Air M1, 2020 AWS, 8GB memory