Progressive Web App API of APIs
Progressive Web Apps API of APIs (Sponsor us)
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About pwafire library
An open-source library and framework for building fast, reliable, and engaging Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). It provides developers with a set of tools and resources to simplify the process of creating PWAs, including pre-built components, templates, and best practices. PWA Fire is designed to be easy to use and adaptable to a wide range of use cases, from simple blogs to complex web applications. Its goal is to empower developers to build high-quality PWAs that provide a native app-like experience to users, regardless of their device or platform
API Spec
For all promise types, the promise value returned is an object - might include additional data for example, Contacts API returns an additional contacts value.
// For Success, ok value is true.
ok : true,
message : "Success message",
// For Fail, ok value is false.
ok : false,
message : "Error message"
// Async API.
const res = await pwa.CopyText(text);
// Lower versions.
if (res.success) {
// Do something.
// New version starting v4.0.0
if (res.ok) {
// Do something.
} else {
// Do something.
Do something with the response returned for e.g copyText
// Copy text
.then((res) => {
// Do something with 'res'
if (res.ok) {
// Success.
} else {
// Fail.
.catch((err) => {
// Do something with 'err'
API Feature Detection
Install pwafire via NPM
npm i pwafire --save
Get pwafire over CDN as an E6 Module
Note that you can still use a specific version over the pwafire cdn
Latest version
import { pwa } from "";
Specific version
import { pwa } from "[email protected]/esm/index.js";
Import pwafire in your for e.g React App
import { check, pwa } from "pwafire";
All stable in Chrome 80 and later versions, also in MS Edge. Check Browser Support status.
- Goal is to allow room for custom handlers if need be
- This approach is going to be experimental and will be updated
- This addition is going to be built for available stable apis
Example and use case
- Web Share is both on Edge desktop and mobile, but not with chrome. I'd like to show a copy link button for chrome
- Install latest pwafire version, already up for testing in v4 alpha-3*
npm i --save pwafire@latest
- Try it out
// Get the check instance from pwafire.
import { check } from "pwafire";
// The response is a boolean, true or false.
const isSupported = await check.Share();
Copy Text
Copy text to clipboard.
Call the copyText method on pwa
// Copy text
Read Text
Read text from clipboard.
Call the readText method on pwa
// Read text
const res = await pwa.readText();
Copy image (Only PNG are supported for security purposes) to clipboard
Copy png images to clipboard
Call the copyImage method on pwa
const res = await pwa.copyImage(imgURL);
Read files e.g images from clipboard
Read png images from clipboard
Call the readFiles method on pwa
const res = await pwa.readFiles();
Web Share
Share links, text, and files to other apps installed on the device.
Define the data object to be shared
const data = {
// Title of what to share
title: `Some title..`,
// Text to share
text: `Some text.`,
// Url to share.
url: "",
Call the share method on pwa
const res = await pwa.Share(data);
Contacts Picker
Contacts Picker API allows a PWA to access contacts from the mobile device's native contacts manager.
Chrome 80 or higher running on Android M or later required.
Define the "properties" and "select type" option you need
const props = ["name", "email", "tel"];
const options = { multiple: true };
Call the contacts method on pwa, the promise resolves with an object
// Do something with the promise value.
pwa.Contacts(props, options).then((res) => {
// Do something with contacts.
const contacts = res.ok ? res.contacts : null;
Show PWA Connectivity status
Pass in two call back funtions, aka online and offline handlers.
Declaring the two handlers separately
// Online handler.
const online = () => {
// Offline handler.
const offline = () => {
Call the connectivity method on pwa, adding the two parameters
pwa.Connectivity(online, offline);
Open app in fullscreen on a click event
Call the fullscreen method
Show notifications. Pass a data object
Add notification data
const data = {
title: "Hello Notification!",
options: {
body: "Progressive Web App Hello Notification!",
icon: "../images/icons/icon-192x192.png",
tag: "pwa",
Call the notification method, pass in data
object, for e.g
// Call the notification method.
Install, add custom installation logic
Provide an installation step type (before, installed or install
), and a callback function as a parameters to the Install method on pwa . This is a new feature in v4.0.7+
Installation steps
=> Check if the app is installed, e.g for react it'd be:// 1. Check if app was installed. pwa.Install("installed", () => { // b) => Hide the app-provided install promotion custom button. setIsInstalled(true); // c) => Clear the deferredPrompt so it can be garbage collected. setSavedDefferedPrompt(null); // d) => Optionally, send analytics event to indicate successful install, e.g with custom analytics: analytics.track({ event: "install", category: "pwa", label: "install", }); });
=> Check if the app is installed, e.g for react it'd be:// 2. Before install prompt is shown. pwa.Install("before", (event) => { // Prevent the mini-infobar from appearing e.g for mobile. if (window.matchMedia("(min-width: 767px)").matches) { event.preventDefault(); } // a) => Stash the event so it can be triggered later on. setSavedDefferedPrompt(event); // b) => Update UI notify the user they can install the PWA. setIsInstalled(false); // c) => Optionally, send analytics event that PWA install promo was shown, e.g with custom analytics: analytics.track({ event: "install", category: "pwa", label: "install-prompt", }); });
=> Install the app, e.g for react it'd be:// 3. Show the install prompt. pwa.Install("install", async (event: string) => { // Event type is install. console.log(event); // a) => Show the install prompt. savedDefferedPrompt.prompt(); // b) => Wait for the user to respond to the prompt. const { outcome } = await savedDefferedPrompt.userChoice; if (outcome === "accepted") { // c, i) => Optionally, send analytics event with outcome of user choice. } else { // c, ii) => Optionally, send analytics event with outcome of user choice. } // d) => We've used the prompt, and can't use it again, throw it away. setSavedDefferedPrompt(null); });
Things to note with the installation steps
With a react js app the first two steps should be in a useEffect hook, and the third step should be called inside a button click event.
For other apps, make sure the first two steps run on page load, and the third step is called on button click.
Add badging for app icons
Badging makes it easy to subtly notify the user that there is some new activity that might require their attention, or indicate a small amount of information, such as an unread count.
Set the badge
Returns an object, which is either a success or an error type
// Set the badge
const unreadCount = 24;
Clear the badge
// Clear the badge
Screen Wake Lock API
The Screen Wake Lock API provides a way to prevent devices from dimming or locking the screen when an application needs to keep running.
Call the install method, returns a promise value
Check if user is viewing a page. Pause/play video or games e.t.c
Define page visibilty handler
// Do something.
const isVisible = () => {
If visbility api is not supported, define the handler
// Do something.
const notAvailable = () => {
Call the visibility method with the two arguments
pwa.Visibility(isVisible, notAvailable);
The File System Access API
The File System Access API allows web apps to read or save changes directly to files and folders on the user's device.
Call pickFile method on pwa
The promise resolves with a file response
// Do something with the contents.
const res = await pwa.pickkFile();
const file = res.ok ? res.file : null;
You can provide an options object as a parameter to the pickFile method to filter the file types you want to pick, e.g
// Do something with the contents.
const res = await pwa.pickkFile({
types: [
description: "Text files",
accept: {
"text/plain": [".txt"],
const file = res.ok ? res.file : null;
Call the pickTextFile method on pwa
The promise resolves with a text response(contents of the picked text file)
// Do something with the contents.
const res = await pwa.pickTextFile();
const contents = res.ok ? res.contents : null;
Content Indexing
This API allows you to index your offline-capable pages.
Call the contentIndexing method on pwa
Note : The Content Indexing API was launched in Chrome 84 for Android.
const index = await pwa.contentIndexing();
if (index.ok) {
// Do something like;
// 1. Add a page to the index.
// 2. Remove a page from the index.
// 3. Get all indexed pages.
Add a page to the index
const res = await index.addItem({
// Required; set to something unique within your web app.
id: "article-123",
// Required; url needs to be an offline-capable HTML page.
url: "/articles/123",
// Required; used in user-visible lists of content.
title: "Article title",
// Required; used in user-visible lists of content.
description: "Amazing article about things!",
// Required; used in user-visible lists of content.
icons: [
src: "/img/article-123.png",
sizes: "64x64",
type: "image/png",
// Optional; valid categories are currently:
// 'homepage', 'article', 'video', 'audio', or '' (default).
category: "article",
Remove a page from the index
const res = index.removeItem({
// Required; provide the id of the item to remove.
id: "article-123",
Get all indexed pages
const items = await index.getAll();
Barcode Detection
Unlock interesting use cases like online payments or web navigation, or use barcodes for establishing social connections on messenger applications.
This is API is part of the Shape Detection API.
Call the barcodeDetector method on pwa
Receives 1 arguments, an options object with two properties, image and format. The image should be of types; Blob or HTMLCanvasElement or HTMLImageElement or HTMLVideoElement or ImageBitmap.
Supported barcode format values are;
"aztec", "code_128", "code_39", "code_93", "data_matrix", "ean_13",
"ean_8", "itf", "pdf417", "qr_code", "upc_e"
const res = await pwa.barcodeDetector({ image: image, format: "qr_code" });
// Do something with the result.
if (res.ok) {
// Do something.
const barcodes = res.barcodes;
} else {
// Do something.
Verify phone numbers on the web with the WebOTP API, which allows you to receive one-time passwords (OTPs) from the SMS message and automatically fill them into the form.
Call the webOTP method on pwa
await pwa.webOTP((res) => {
// Do something with the result.
if (res.ok) {
// Do something.
const code = res.code;
} else {
// Do something.
Font Access
Allows you to access the user's locally installed fonts and obtain low-level details about them.
Call the accessFonts method on pwa
const res = await pwa.accessFonts();
if (res.ok) {
// Do something.
const fonts = res.fonts;
} else {
// Do something.
Accessing SFNT data
const res = await pwa.accessFonts({
sfnt: true,
if (res.ok) {
// Do something with the sfnt data.
const sfntFormats = res.sfnt;
} else {
// Do something.
Get subset of fonts
You can also filter them based on the PostScript
names by adding a postscriptNames parameter, an array of strings.
const res = await pwa.accessFonts({
postscriptNames: ["Verdana", "Verdana-Bold", "Verdana-Italic"],
if (res.ok) {
// Do something.
const fonts = res.fonts;
} else {
// Do something.
Web Payments
Allows users select their preferred way of paying for things, and make that information available to a merchant.
Call Payment method with three arguments
pwa.Payment(pay, paydata, validatePayment);
Example : compute total amount to pay
Test Demo Application : Live Preview
// Calculations.
const payment = {
price: sale_price,
get discount() {
return this.price * 0.005;
get total() {
return this.price + -;
get tax() {
return 0.14 * this.price;
// Destructure payment object.
const { tax, discount, total } = payment;
Set Payment methods
const paymentMethods = [
supportedMethods: ["basic-card"],
data: {
supportedNetworks: ["visa", "mastercard"],
Set Payment details
const paymentDetails = {
total: {
label: "Total Amount",
amount: {
currency: "KSH",
value: total.toString(),
displayItems: [
label: "Discount",
amount: {
currency: "KSH",
value: discount.toString(),
label: "Taxes, 14% V.A.T",
amount: {
currency: "KSH",
value: tax.toString(),
Requesting additional info
const options = {
requestPayerName: true,
requestPayerEmail: true,
Create paydata object
const paydata = {
Validate payment (Do something with the Payment Response)
const validatePayment = async(paymentResponse) => {
try {
// Check if payment was successful based on your payment gateway.
const condition = await yourSuccessHandler(paymentResponse);
// Please note that complete status can only be "success" or "fail".
if (condition) {
// Return sucesss.
await paymentResponse.complete("success");
} else {
// Return fail.
await paymentResponse.complete("fail");
} catch(error) {
throw error;
Call Payment method on pwa
// Pay.
pwa.Payment(paydata, validatePayment);
[MIT] © Maye Edwin