A simple server to push messages in realtime from your application to http clients, based on socket.io
A simple server to push messages in realtime from your application to http clients, based on socket.io
npm install pushinator
Example configuration
module.exports = {
// Path to pid file
pidfile: '/tmp/pushinator.pid',
// Admin section
admin: {
// Host or IP to listen
host: 0,
// Port to listen
port: 9600,
// Client section
client: {
// Host or IP to listen
host: 0,
// Port to listen
port: 9601,
// socket.io transports available and usage order
socketIoTransports: ['websocket', 'flashsocket', 'xhr-polling', 'jsonp-polling', 'htmlfile'],
// Use SSL on client port
useSSL: false,
// Path to SSL private key file
sslKey: '/path/to/ssl.key',
// Path to SSL certificate file
sslCert: '/path/to.crt',
// Log section
log: {
// Enable debug logging, can be true or false
debug: false,
// Syslog configuration
syslog: {
// Enable logging through syslog
enable: true,
// Syslog tag to use
tag: 'pushinator',
// Facility to use
facility: 'LOG_DAEMON',
In foreground
pushinator -c /path/to/configuration
As daemon
Pushinator can be run as daemon. It can be used as an init script and supports the following commands
start, restart, stop, status
If you want to run pushinator without config arguement, the configuration must be placed in /etc/pushinator.conf.
The following command starts pushinator as a daemon with config file located in /etc/pushinator/node1.conf
pushinator start -c /etc/pushinator/node1.conf
To stop it, use the following command
pushinator stop -c /etc/pushinator/node1.conf
By default, pushinator is logging to stdout if it's not started as a daemon. In daemon mode it's logging to syslog, if enabled. If syslog is not enabled, and pushinator is running as daemon, it's logging to /dev/null.
socket.io transports
You can specify the transports used by socket.io in the pushinator configuration. Order matters.
Admin connection
Through the admin connection, you can register new clients and send messages to them.
Registering a new user expects an userId and a hash. curl -d '{"userId":5,"hash":"xxx1234"}'
Sending a message to an user expects an userId and a message. curl -d '{"userId":5,"message":"example message"}'
Client connection
Before a socket.io client is able to receive messages from pushinator, it has to authenticate itself through the hash (which was set through the admin connection) and it's userId.
var userId = 5;
var hash = 'xx1234';
var socket = io.connect('');
socket.on('connect', function () {
// authenticate
socket.emit('auth', userId, hash);
socket.on('message', function (message) {
// handle received message
For more thorough examples, look at the examples/