Purity is a JSON data validation and transformation tool for web browsers and node.js
Purity is a JSON data validation and transformation tool for web browsers and node.js
It can be installed via:
Purity, Inspired by mongoose, exposes a schema-based validation API allowing you to apply constraints and transformations to the data in your application.
For usage with express, please see the express-purity package on npm.
Quickstart Example
Most of the action happens through the Schema object.
import { Schema } from 'purity';
The following schema expects:
- A non empty string.tags
- a comma separated string of tags which will be lowercased and split into an array.comments
- An array of objects with properties:likes
- a non negative number which defaults to 0.content
- a non empty string not exceeding 255 characters.
let toLowercase = v => v.toLowerCase();
let split = v => v.split(',');
const blogPostSchema = Schema({
title: { $type: String, $required: true },
tags: { $type: String, $transform: [toLowercase, split] },
comments: [{
likes: { $type: Number, $default: 0, $gte: 0 },
content: { $type: String, $required: true }
Validate some data against the schema, using the callback api...
let dirtyData = {
title: 'Stuff about lions',
tags: 'Lions',
comments: [
{ likes: 123, content: 'lions r cool' },
{ content: 'w/e' }
blogPostSchema.validate(dirtyData, (err, res) => {
assert.equal(err, null);
assert.equal(res, {
title: 'Stuff about lions',
tags: ['lions'],
comments: [
{ likes: 123, content: 'lions r cool' },
{ likes: 0, content: 'w/e' }
Or the promise api...
let dirtyData = {
title: 'Spiders',
tags: 'HAIRY,LEGS',
comments: [{ content: 'creepy' }]
Errors have properties to help you make meaningful messages:
let dirtyData = {
comments: [{ content: 'this one will fail' }]
blogPostSchema.validate(dirtyData, function (err, res) {
assert(err instanceof purity.ValidationError);
let message = `The blog ${err.path} is ${err.type}`;
// message -> 'The blog title is missing'
API reference
An object containing the aliases of built in types
- a relaxed type with no formal type checksTypes.Boolean
purity.Schema(definiton [, options])
Create a re-usable schema to validate data against.
A definition (usually an object) representing the expected data. Detailing type and value constraints, with optional defaults and transformations. See detailed description below for more information.options
- schema optionsoptions.cast {Boolean}
- when true, purity will attempt to cast all properties to their expected types before applying constraints.
A new Schema instance.
Schema definition
The schema definition is a representation of the constraints and transformations you would like to apply to your data.
The definition is plain Obejct with the following format:
const definition = {
* $type is the only required field.
* It can be one of purity.Types or an alias for a custom type.
$type: String,
* $required flag defaults to false.
* Setting this to true will generate errors when
* the property is null|undefined or an empty string.
$required: true,
* $cast flag determines whether purity will attempt to cast
* the property to it's declared $type. this overrides schema
* level cast options and defaults to false.
$cast: true,
* $default can be a static value or a function which yields
* a default value when the property is null|undefined or
* an empty string.
$default: Date.now,
* $transform is a mapping function or array of mapping functions
* which will transform the data.
$transform: [v => v + 1, v => v - 1, v => 'unnecessary']
* More options are available for the built in purity.Types
* and for custom types which declare constraints
const schema = Schema(definiton);
However if you only wish to enforce a type, the following is sufficient:
const schema = Schema(String);
The following additional constraints can be applied per type:
// {Number} assert a minimum string length
$minlength: 123,
// {Number} assert a maximum string length
$maxlength: 456,
// {Number} assert an exact string length
$fixedwidth: 789,
// {RegExp} assert a regex .test()
$regex: /(?:lions|tigers|bears|)+\soh my$/i
// {Number} assert greater than
$gt: 1,
// {Number} assert greater than || equal
$gte: 2,
// {Number} assert less than
$lt: 3,
// {Number} assert less than || equal
$lte: 4,
// {Number} assert equal
$eq: 5,
// {Number} assert not equal
$neq: (act, opt) => act !== opt
// {Date|Number} assert greater than
$gt: new Date(),
// {Date|Number} assert less than
$lt: Date.now()
To declare an array, simply wrap the definition in square brackets []
const schema = Schema([{ $type: Date, $required: true }]);
Nested Objects
For nested objects ...nest them
const schema = Schema({
id: Number,
some: {
deeply: {
nested: {
data: { $type: Boolean, $default: true }
Declare a data custom data type to be used in a schema.
options {Object}
- with properties:
- required:
- optional:
options.aliases {Any|Any[]}
- Identifier(s) fot this data type. The alias(es) declared here will be looked up when used to alias a $type
in a schema definition.
options.check {Function (value)}
- a function which is passed the value
of the property currently being processed and should return a Boolean indicating whether or not it is valid. By default this returns true.
options.cast {Function (value)}
- a function which maps the value
of the property currently being processed to your custom data type. Only invoked when the schema level cast
or type level $cast
flag is set. By default this is an identity transformation v => v
options.constraints {Object}
- an object mapping type specific constraint names to predicate functions which enforce them.
Important notes: options.check
is invoked before any casting is applied. The incoming value
will always be a primitive javascript value. Use this opportunity to reject data that cannot be casted.
Creating a data type
Here is an example of how you might create a data type to handle mongodb ObjectIds.
For those who don't know, an ObjectID is simply a 24 character hex string.
import { ObjectID } from 'mongodb';
// give the type some aliases so we
// can refer to it in a schema definition
aliases: [ObjectID, 'objectid'],
// implement a quick and dirty check
// to see if it's a valid ObjectID
check: v => typeof v === 'string' && /[a-zA-Z0-9]{24}/.test(v),
// provide a method to cast incoming data
cast: v => new ObjectID(v),
// A contrived example of adding constraints
// we're going to check if the ObjectID
// ends with a particualr sequence
constraints: {
endsWith: (value, option) => {
// value is the incoming data.
// option is the character we're looking for
return value.toString().endsWith(option);
Now let's use it in a schema
const schema = Schema(ObejctID, { cast: true });
schema.validate('abcdef0123456789abcdef01', function (e, r) {
assert.equal(r, ObejctID(abcdef0123456789abcdef01));
using the endsWith constraint we defined...
// we can use the other alias we provided as well
const schema = Schema({ $type: 'objectid', endsWith: '02', $cast: true });
schema.validate('abcdef0123456789abcdef01', function (e, r) {
// the endsWith constraint causes an error
assert(e instanceof purity.ValidationError);
Bugs and Features
Please log any issues or feature requests on github's issue tracker.
Version history
- 0.x - initial release
- 1.0.0
- Breaking changes, please consult the new api to migrate.
- removed array options
- removed many mutations in favour of sequential mapping functions
- removed
alias forSchema#validate
- added Date type
- added ability to validate primitives and arrays as root level data
- Travis CI
- browser testing
- improve docs
- customisation around error messages
- add some support for array options
- unique
- option to ignore errors and remove elements instead
- constraints on array length