Puppet This is a very simple command-line tool designed to automate extracting stuff from webpages, where everyone's favorite (curl + sed) might be a bit cumbersome.
Puppet This
Puppet This is a very simple command-line tool designed to automate extracting stuff from webpages, where everyone's favorite (curl + sed) might be a bit cumbersome.
That's where puppeteer comes in handy.
While there's many good (better) libraries for scraping data with puppeteer already, this tool is designed to let you quickly hack together small scripts without having to set up a full project to do so.
Maybe you're just obsessive about writing scripts in the command line, or maybe you want a quick way of finding out when a product is back in stock on your favorite webshop. How should I know? I've never even met you.
Example CLI usage
puppet-this https://github.com/fisknils/puppet-this-cli \
-s ./example-scripts/get-github-stars.js
Evaluating multiple scripts
puppet-this https://github.com/fisknils/puppet-this-cli \
-s ./example-scripts/get-github-stars.js,./example-scripts/last-modified.js
Grabbing a screenshot
puppet-this https://github.com/fisknils/puppet-this-cli \
-o ./screenshot.png
Open a browser window for manual inspection (or clicking away those nasty cookie popups for consequent runs)
puppet-this https://github.com/fisknils/puppet-this-cli -i
npm -g i puppet-this
do whatever you want with it!