Pulsarjs is a simple function scheduler
Pulsarjs is a simple function scheduler, capable of calling functions at regular intervals and storing them into a DB to be saved/loaded at every restart of the application.
npm install pulsarjs
Required modules are nedb and node_hash
Let's say we have two functions we want repeatedly called, at some regular intervals:
function callback()
function aMoreFrequentCallback()
console.log("This is a more frequent callback");
We can use pulsar for this job!
var pulsar = require("pulsarjs");
// 1. Trigger previous pulses loading:
pulsar.loadPulses(function(err, pulsesIDs)
// 2. Once finished let's print their IDs:
console.log("Loaded previous pulses: '%s'", JSON.stringify(pulsesIDs));
// 3. Now define the actual code of your pulses:
function callback()
function aMoreFrequentCallback()
console.log("This is a more frequent callback");
// 4. Add the first one
// The first parameter (here '4') is the frequency in seconds
pulsar.addPulse(4, callback, function(err1, firstPulseId)
// An ID like '0241abd2d055ec0f34b9e5238831bd5032221d95' will be logged...
console.log("First pulse: '%s'", firstPulseId);
// 5. Add the second one
pulsar.addPulse(1, aMoreFrequentCallback, function(err2, secondPulseId)
console.log("Second pulse: '%s'", secondPulseId);
// 6. DONE :-)
By using the previous code "Pulse!" will be printed every 4 seconds and "This is a more frequent callback" every one second.
LICENSE - Apache License v2
Copyright (c) 2013 Nicola Orritos
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use these files except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.