Simple pull-streams for websocket client connections
Use websockets via pull-stream interface. both client and server.
example - client
var connect = require('pull-ws/client')
// OR: require('pull-ws').connect
connect(WS_URL, function (err, stream) {
if(err) throw err //handle err
pull(source, stream, sink)
example - server
var createServer = require('pull-ws/server')
createServer(function (stream) {
//pipe the stream somewhere.
//eg, echo server
pull(stream, stream)
connect = require('pull-ws/client')
connect(url, cb | {binary: boolean, onConnect: cb})
Create a websocket client connection. set binary: true to get a stream of arrayBuffers (on the browser). defaults to true on node, but to strings on the browser. this may cause a problems if your application assumes binary.
else, just provide the callback.
connect(url, function (err, stream) {
createServer = require('pull-ws/server')
create pull stream websocket servers. the servers take a lot more options than clients.
createServer(opts?, onConnection)
is called every time a connection is received.
takes the same server options as ws module
one duplex service you may want to use this with is muxrpc
var ws = require('pull-ws')
var pull = require('pull-stream')
ws.createServer(function (stream) {
//pipe duplex style to your service.
pull(stream, service.createStream(), stream)
var stream = ws.connect('ws://localhost:9999')
pull(stream, client.createStream(), stream)
if the connection fails, the first read from the stream will be an error, otherwise, to get a handle of stream end/error pass a callback to connect.
ws.connect('ws://localhost:9999', function (err, stream) {
if(err) return handleError(err)
//stream is now ready
To run the server over TLS:
var tlsOpts = {
key: fs.readFileSync('test/fixtures/keys/agent2-key.pem'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('test/fixtures/keys/agent2-cert.pem')
ws.createServer(tlsOpts, function (stream) {
//pipe duplex style to your service.
pull(stream, service.createStream(), stream)
To add client-authentication to the server, you can set verifyClient
Documentation here.
function verifyClient (info) {
return info.secure == true
ws.createServer({ verifyClient: verifyClient }, onStream)
use with an http server
if you have an http server that you also need to serve stuff
over, and want to use a single port, use the server
var http = require('http')
var server = http.createServer(function(req, res){...}).listen(....)
ws.createServer({server: server}, function (stream) { ... })
core, websocket wrapping functions
these modules are used internally, to wrap a websocket. you probably won't need to touch these, but they are documented anyway.
require('pull-ws/duplex')(socket, opts?)
turn a websocket into a duplex pull stream.
If provided, opts
is passed to pws.sink(socket, opts)
Websockets do not support half open mode. see allowHalfOpen option in net module
If you have a protocol that assumes halfOpen connections, but are using a networking protocol like websockets that does not support it, I suggest using pull-goodbye with your protocol.
The duplex stream will also contain a copy of the properties from
the http request that became the websocket. they are method
, url
and upgrade
also exposed at: var duplex = require('pull-ws')
require('pull-ws/sink')(socket, opts?)
Create a pull-stream Sink
that will write data to the socket
may be {closeOnEnd: true, onClose: onClose}
will be called when the sink ends. If closeOnEnd=false
the stream will not close, it will just stop emitting data.
(by default closeOnEnd
is true)
If opts
is a function, then onClose = opts; opts.closeOnEnd = true
var pull = require('pull-stream');
var wsSink = require('pull-ws');
// connect to the echo endpoint for test/server.js
var socket = new WebSocket('wss://echo.websocket.org');
// write values to the socket
pull.infinite(function() {
return 'hello @ ' + Date.now()
// throttle so it doesn't go nuts
pull.asyncMap(function(value, cb) {
setTimeout(function() {
cb(null, value);
}, 100);
socket.addEventListener('message', function(evt) {
console.log('received: ' + evt.data);
also exposed at require('pull-ws').sink
Create a pull-stream Source
that will read data from the socket
var pull = require('pull-stream');
// we just need the source, so cherrypick
var wsSource = require('pull-ws/source');
// connect to the test/server.js endpoint
wsSource(new WebSocket('ws://localhost:3000/read')),
also exposed at require('pull-ws').source