Puck is a compile to js language. It has (a goal to have) syntax and semantics that are inspired from Rust but adapted to work better in a web environment with for example good JS interop.
Puck is a compile to js language. It has (a goal to have) syntax and semantics that are inspired from Rust but adapted to work better in a web environment with for example good JS interop.
- Trait based type system (See Rust)
- Good js interop (npm support, unsafe access and calls)
- Explicit mutability
- Simple project setup
Basic Concepts
Explicit mutability, a variable is immutable if not declared with the mut modifier.
Everything is an expression and the last value of a block will be the value of a block, meaning that you can assign the result of an if expression or any use return if you need an early return of the function.
import 'puck:js' as {process}
fn greet(name) {
let mut phrase = 'Hello, '
phrase +=
if name
then name
else 'World'
phrase += '!'
Getting Started
The compiler is currently a mix of TypeScript and Puck but will eventually only be written in puck,
until then, run npm run watch
to build and watch the TS code.
The build tool is called puck
and the compiler puckc
. Binaries are placed in bin/
library files in lib/
is included in the repo. Add export PATH=$PATH:dist/bin
to your .bashrc
or .zshrc
, or prefix
the following commands with dist/bin/
Run puckc some/file some/other/file
to build the specified file(s).
Run puck build
to build the project.
Run puck test
to run the testsuite.
Run cases
to run compilation tests.
Run cases update-baselines
to update the baselines (accept the current behaviour) for the compilation tests.
Run self-test
to run a self test of the compiler that validates that the compiler can reproduce itself.
There are plugins avalible for Atom and Visual Studio Code, as well as a Textmate grammar that can be used to create plugins for most editors. See puck-lang/editors for details.