A console application that can call Rest APIs with data from flat files.
pronounced pyüb-lər
A utility to automate the publishing of data contained in flat files to resful APIs. At this time this is setup to use device OAuth workflow.
npm install --global pubeler
npm i -g pubeler
running it
pubeler --configFile <config-file --required> --dataFile <data-file --required>
Note: This application uses the device workflow, so you will need to complete the authentication process with your identity provider.
getting help
pubeler --help
If this doesn't provide what you need, feel free to submit a new issue ticket here.
enabling OAuth debugging (--oauthDebug)
pubeler --configFile <config-file --required> --dataFile <data-file --required> --oauthDebug
This will write out the aquired jwt from the oauth provider to the console.
config file
This is a JSON file that will inform Pubeler on how to authenticate with your identity provider and communicate with your APIs.
Here's a sample:
"textDelimeter": "\t",
"postDestinationUrl": "",
"oauth_client_id": "my-client-id",
"oauth_device_code_url": "https://{tenant-name}",
"oauth_token_url": "https://{tenant-name}",
"oauth_audience": "{your-audience}",
"oauth_scope": "openid",
// This is an optional setting, only to be used when absolutely necessary
"skip_ssl_validation": false,
Note: Your identity provider has to support the device workflow. I recommend using Auth0 as they have an easy to use implementation of this workflow.
error handling
If a post related error occurs, a new txt file will be created containing the records that caused an error response (HTTP 400-500 response codes.) This file will allow you to easily retry failed records in a subsequent run. The generated text file name will be named: {url pathinfo}.{timestamp (yyMMddHHmmss)}.failures.txt
. An example of this would be: myrecords.json.221208011433.failures.txt.
The server response which typically indicates why the post request failed will be logged to the console. Additionally, authentication/OAuth related errors will be logged to the console as well.