In this web application, you will be able to convert a certain text string into another form. You can encrypt, hash or decrypt the text.
Web interface for penetration testing
In this web application, you will be able to convert a certain text string into another form. You can encrypt, hash or decrypt the text.
The main purpose of this project will be the ability to put a text string in the input field and convert it again to another form.
How to run the project
Install or update to the newest version of vue.js:
npm install vue@latest
Now install these libraries which are used in the project:
npm install html-entities
npm install ts-md5
npm install js-sha256
npm install crc-32
npm install --save mdi-vue @mdi/js
npm install @types/file-saver --save-dev
npm install vue-router@4
npm install primevue
npm install -g node-gyp
npm install primeflex
npm install des.js
npm install js-md4
npm install argon2-browser
npm install buffer
npm install --save js-crypto-aes
npm install js-crypto-rsa
npm install crypto-js
Open the project (best in Visual Studio Code). Then open the terminal and run this:
npm run dev
Click on your localhost link that showed up in the terminal:
Your app is running in the browser.