Generate passwords and codes through the command line or in code.
🌟 pswg: Password Generator
PSWG is a versatile and secure password generator designed for command-line use and integration into your Node.js projects using the crypto module. With PSWG, you can generate secure passwords with customizable options, including password length, character set control, and more from the command line or in your code.
Key Features:
- Secure Password Generation: Generate passwords using cryptographically secure random values.
- Customizable Length: Specify the exact length of the password.
- Character Set Control: Include or exclude uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
- Easy to Use: Simple API for both command-line and programmatic usage.
🚀 Installation
To use it in the command line, install PSWG globally via npm:
npm install -g pswg
Or add it to your project dependencies:
npm install pswg --save
🛠 Getting Started
To generate a password, you can use the following simple commands:
Command Line Usage
generate a secure password with default settings:
#generate a password with default settings:
#generate a 16-character password:
pswg --length 16
Programmatic Usage
You can also use pswg
within your Node.js projects:
import pswg from 'pswg'
const password = pswg({ length: 16, excludeSymbols: true })
📸 Example
🌟 Why Choose pswg?
pswg offers a balance of simplicity and power, making it an ideal tool for developers and users alike who need secure, random passwords with customizable options.
🌍 Supported Environments
- Node.js: v12 and above
- Command Line: Compatible with all major operating systems
🎨 Customization
Customize your password generation with options:
- Length: Define the length of your password.
- Exclude Symbols: Option to exclude symbols.
- Exclude Uppercase: Option to exclude uppercase letters.
- Exclude Numbers: Option to exclude numbers.
Example (with default options)
import pswg from 'pswg'
const pw = pswg({
length: 18, // the length of the password
excludeSymbols: false, // exclude symbols from the password
excludeUppercase: false, // exclude uppercase letters
excludeNumbers: false // exclude numbers
🔧 Command Line Usage
Basic Usage
generate a password with default settings:
- --length [length]: Specify the length of the password. Default is 18 characters.
- -es, --excludeSymbols: Exclude symbols from the password.
- -eu, --excludeUppercase: Exclude uppercase letters from the password.
- -en, --excludeNumbers: Exclude numbers from the password.
check the version of PSWG you are using:
pswg --version
Example Commands
generate a 12-character password with no symbols:
pswg --length 12 --excludeSymbols
Combining Options
generate an 8-character password using only lowercase letters and numbers:
pswg --length 8 --excludeUppercase --excludeSymbols
🔧 Acknowledgments & Contributions
Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions or improvements, please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on GitHub.