**A simple, easily customizable bot for connecting to Pokemon Showdown.**
A simple, easily customizable bot for connecting to Pokemon Showdown.
This package is meant to be as simple as possible. All you need to do to connect to PS is as follows: (TS)
import {PS} from '';
const bot = new PS.Client({
name: 'uwu', pass: 'uwu',
Then you just call
// note these are defaults, so you can just call bot.connect()
// if you want to connect to main
bot.connect('', 8000);
For receiving messages, all you need to do is set a listener.
bot.on('message', msg => {
console.log(`${msg.from}: ${msg.test}`);
To access rooms, all you need to do is call client.rooms.get()
has the same accessor API.
export interface Settings {
name: string;
pass: string;
rooms?: string[];
/* Command prefix */
prefix?: string;
status?: string;
avatar?: string;
/* Number of MS to wait before attempting to reconnect.
* Defaults to one minute. */
reconnectMs?: number;
User methods:
export declare class User extends PSSendable {
data: Record<string, any>;
group: string;
rooms: Record<string, {
group: string;
isPrivate?: boolean;
name: string;
avatar: string;
setData(data: any): void;
send(message: string): void;
update(): Promise<boolean>;
toString(): string;
Room methods:
export declare class Room extends PSSendable {
data: Record<string, any>;
id: string;
title: string;
users: Record<string, User>;
auth: Record<string, string[]>;
setData(data: any): void;
update(): Promise<boolean>;
send(message: string): void;
toString(): string;
Client methods:
export declare class Client extends EventEmitter {
connection: ws.connection;
settings: Settings;
rooms: RoomList;
users: UserList;
constructor(settings: Settings);
static parse(received: string): PLine[];
connect(server?: string, port?: number): void;
query(type: string, args: string[]): Promise<any>;
send(message: string): void;
Message methods:
export declare class Message {
client: Client;
text: string;
group: string;
/** User if it's a pm, Room if it's in a room, null if it's a system message
* (from &)
to: User | Room | null;
room?: Room | null;
from: User | null;
isPSCommand: boolean;
line: PLine;
constructor(client: Client);
static getUser(name: string, client: Client): Promise<false | User | null>;
static from(line: PLine, client: Client): Promise<Message | null | undefined>;
/** If the message has a room, sends the response to that room
* - else PMs the user that it's from
respond(text: string): void | undefined;
/** Sends a reply in pms. */
privateRespond(text: string): void | undefined;
isPM(): boolean;
isCommand(): boolean;
* Checks if a user is at least a certain rank.
* Supports custom callbacks, both as a second param for individual checks,
* and the checkPermission handler in the config that runs on all checks.
* This checks the callbacks first:
* - config handler
* - if config handler is not met, checks callback handler
* - if neither of those are met, checks rank superiority
perms(rank: string, cb?: (message: Message) => boolean): boolean;
* This checks only directly "is this user at least this rank"
* You should prefer using `message.perms(rank)` because that supports
* custom handlers.
isRank(rank: string): boolean;
clone(): Message;
Page API:
// request for a page. sent when a user does /join view-bot-[name]-[pageid]
// to listen for this, use client.on('requestpage', listener);
export declare class PageRequest {
client: Client;
from: User;
pageid: string;
room: Room;
constructor(client: Client);
static from(client: Client, args: string[], roomId: string): Promise<PageRequest | undefined>;
respond(page: PageBuilder | string): Page;
// made to make it easy to create page html
export declare class PageBuilder {
private elem;
toString(): string;
html(text: string): this;
querySelector(selector: string): cheerio.Cheerio<cheerio.Node>;
// page wrapper class
export declare class Page {
user: User;
room: Room;
content: string;
pageid: string;
closed: boolean;
constructor(req: {
from: User;
room: Room;
pageid: string;
content: string;
toString(): string;
highlight(title: string, text: string): void;
changeSelector(selector: string, html: string): void;
close(): void;
update(): void;
To listen for a specific message type, just call client.on(type, listener)
The listener will be passed the arguments args (string[])
, room (string?)
, line (PLine)