A helper library to help generate test claims data for provider-claims-api
A small node helper library to mock out claims data for provider-claims-api
This library has been created as a helper for provider-claims-api. It provides a mock amount of data the can be sent as submission and adjudication events to the api. Customer data is provided in a templated file so that the fetching of customer data through whics is successful when called from provider-claims-api. Comments have been provided throughout the code to help explain what the library is doing.
Exported Functions
Given library is import as below:
const mock = require('provider-claims-api-data-mocker');
const data = mock.fullDataSet();
Provides claims for each provider number provided in the template data folder. Generates a submission with x number of service lines and matching adjudications Status of the claims is randomly decided at run time
Helping out
- Submit and issue with details of problem
- Better yet submit a pr to fix the problem that you might be having
Available commands
npm run runtester
Will run the generate data command and log results to the console