ProtonCMS formlib -- generate forms and input widgets from isomorphic-schema definitions
This registers form widgets with the component registry. Allows auto form generation and lookup of input widgets.
How to use:
var IAutoFormWidget = require('protoncms-core').interfaces.IAutoFormWidget;
var FormWidget = registry.getAdapter(context, IAutoFormWidget).ReactComponent;
var CustomInputWidget = require('protoncms-formlib').CustomInputWidget;
var context = [the object to render];
name="context" // The form name
context={context} // The object to render
onChange={this.didUpdate} // didUpdate: funciton (name, context) -- name is the name you gave this form, context the updated value you passed
onlyFields={['property', ...]} // Optional, if you only want to render specific fields
excludeFields={['property', ...]} // Optional, if you want to exclude specific fields from rendering
// To customize form input fields use one CustomInputWidget for each property you want to customize
<CustomInputWidget property="theProperty" // Use custom widget for this property
widget={CustomWidget} // This is the widget to be used
onChange={this.didUpdate} // Function to call on changes
options={{...}} /> // Options to pass to the custom widget
Building the package
Just run:
$ npm install
$ npm run build