a lightweight URL router supporting a wide variety of usage patterns
a lightweight URL router supporting a wide variety of usage patterns.
var ProtolusRouter = require('protolus-router');
var router = new ProtolusRouter({});
Options are:
- argumentNames : an array of strings to be used as keys when using the regex to function mode
- onMissing : a callback for when no route is found
- ini : preload a particular INI file
- simpleSelectors : set this to false to prevent the simpleSelector and instead treat the stings as complete regex selectors
Function to Function
Use two functions, one to match the URL and the other to perform the action, arguments may be handled manually in either function. the action function also may return a value which is passed to the callback of the parse function (if a callback is passed).
//return a truthy value representing whether this url has been selected
}, function(returnedValue){
//use the incoming truthy value to either:
//1) serve the request
//2) return a value which will be passed to .route()s callback
Regex to Function
Use two functions, one to match the URL and the other to perform the action, arguments may be handled manually in either function. This function may also return a value for the optional parse callback.
router.addRoute(/(users)\/([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]{3,16})\/([0-9]+)/, function(user, id, postId){
//serve or return
or, if I had set argumentNames = ['user', 'id', 'postId'];
router.addRoute(/(users)\/([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]{3,16})\/([0-9]+)/, function(args){
// args = {user:'', id:'', postId:''}
//serve or return
INI Parsed
You may also specify an INI file which acts as a list of rewrite rules, each line is of the form:
articles/*/# = "articles?name=*&page=*"
You can either use the option in the constructor or call the INI function with or without a callback(any routes will be queued until the async load is complete)
router.INI('my/awesome/config.ini', function(){
//it's done!
This will always require the callback to be used on the routed function, which will pass back the routed URL
router.route(url, function(routedURL){
//do stuff here
This style may also be added directly as a route:
router.addRoute('articles/*/#', 'articles?name=*&page=*');
Routing rules also support 'groups' which are arbitrary assignments, which give some context to the rule
If I were to route this way:
router.addRoute(/(users)\/([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]{3,16})\/([0-9]+)/, ['get', 'post'], function(user, id, postId){
//serve or return
because I wanted to mark it to only be active on a get or post request I would then access the route:
router.route(url, 'get', function(routedURL){
//do stuff here
Keep in mind this is a purely textual feature and your app will need to set these values to make it work
You can mix modes at will.
-Abbey Hawk Sparrow