PropJokey propgun - generate a function from position:value pairs that takes t [0, 1] and returns the corresponding tween value.
propgun by PropJockey
Has 1 dependency, PropJockey, that is not yet ready for use
// propgun() expects a range of position:value pairs
// position is a stringified float number between 0 and 1 or string percentage values between "0.0%" and "100%"
// Overflow positions (beyond the range [0, 1]) are typically unused.
// An easing function that overflows [0, 1] will use the values at 0 or 1 unless overflow positions are defined.
// values can be numbers, hex colors in the form "#RRGGBB" or "#RRGGBBAA", or numbers with units as strings "87px"
// does not support conversion between values with different units. The earliest position defined will determine the unit/type.
const gradientpropgun = propgun({ "0": "#ff0000", "0.333": "#ff00ff", "90.25%": "#00ff88" }) // position 1.0 is also #00ff88
// Takes a value time in range [0, 1] and returns the corresponding value tweened to that position
// values > 1 are treated as 1
// values < 0 are treated as 0
const colorAtHalf = gradientpropgun.pew(0.5) // --> "#b44bdc"
// Optionally takes an ease fn argument interpreted by PropJockey (TODO: link to easing docs). The default value is "ease.linear".
// Eases apply to the series as a whole so any ease that produces an overflow position where
// easedAmount >= 1 is treated as 1 if there are no overflow positions defined beyond 1.0 (eg "175%": "#000000")
// likewise, easedAmounts <= 0 are treated as 0 unless there are negative overflow positions defined
const colorAtHalfEaseOut = gradientpropgun.pew(0.5, "ease.ease-out") // --> "#629db6"
// Any ease supported by PropJockey works
const colorAtThirdCustomBezier = gradientpropgun.pew(0.333, ["reuse-cache.cubic-bezier", 1, 1, 0.3962, -0.4541]) // --> "#ff00de"
// (note if you use a "memoize." ease it will be cached for reuse anywhere or pulled from an existing instance)
// the last ease function used is available here. If an array or named ease was used, this will be the function it resolved to.
// If it was a ["reuse-cache.*", ...] ease then lastEase will become invalid if destroy() is called. See propjockey docs [TODO link]
// destroy method also attached in case use is temporary
// Every time an array was passed in for "ease" and index 0 was a string starting with "reuse-cache." then
// calling destroy will also clear the cache for each of those ease functions.
gradientpropgun.destroy() // tears down the underlying animation and timingPool, and clears own properties so garbage collection can happen
// An ease function that was created from PropJockey's hydrationStore before being passed into your
// propgun will not have their cache cleared on destroy(). Completely custom ease functions can also be used.
// Memoize eases from PropJockey are stored and cannot be individually freed. Anything using PropJockey outside of propgun will
// have access to the same instance too. Example use:
let my4values = []
my4values.push( gradientpropgun.pew(0.25, ["memoize.quadratic-bezier", 0.3962, -0.4541]) )
my4values.push( gradientpropgun.pew(0.50, ["memoize.quadratic-bezier", 0.3962, -0.4541]) )
my4values.push( gradientpropgun.pew(0.75, ["memoize.quadratic-bezier", 0.3962, -0.4541]) )
my4values.push( gradientpropgun.pew(1.00, ["memoize.quadratic-bezier", 0.3962, -0.4541]) )
// The same cache and function is used each time and its cache is only calculated once.
// Calling destroy does not free the cache, it remains memoized in PropJockey.
// Example of best use of a propgun eased with "reuse-cache.":
let my4values = []
my4values.push( gradientpropgun.pew(0.25, ["reuse-cache.cubic-bezier", 1, 1, 0.3962, -0.4541]) )
let resolvedEaseFn = gradientpropgun.lastEase
my4values.push( gradientpropgun.pew(0.50, resolvedEaseFn) )
my4values.push( gradientpropgun.pew(0.75, resolvedEaseFn) )
my4values.push( gradientpropgun.pew(1.00, resolvedEaseFn) )
// The ease function is created and its cache is built on the first call to gradientpropgun.pew. Subsequent calls use the easeFn directly.
// If the array definition was used every time, it will re-create the function and cache each time. Calling destroy would free all 4 in that case.
// If you want to use multiple eases on a single propgun, you can use the free method on reuseable cache eases that are no longer needed:
// This makes a call to PropJockey.freeReusableCache with the ease function provided.
// Example:
const gradientpropgun = propgun({ "0": "#ff0000", "0.333": "#ff00ff", "90.25%": "#00ff88" })
const my4values = []
my4values.push( gradientpropgun.pew(0.25, ["reuse-cache.cubic-bezier", 1, 1, 0.3962, -0.4541]) )
let myEaseFnWithReuseCache = gradientpropgun.lastEase
my4values.push( gradientpropgun.pew(0.50, myEaseFnWithReuseCache) ) // myEaseFnWithReuseCache is now invalid (bound to freed memory)
myEaseFnWithReuseCache = undefined // the ease function itself can be garbage collected now because the internal instance was removed
my4values.push( gradientpropgun.pew(0.75, "ease.ease-out") )
my4values.push( gradientpropgun.pew(1.00, "ease.ease-out") )
gradientpropgun.destroy() // does normal animation cleanup so everything can be garbage collected. No further reuse-cache was needed.