Info on the properties and attributes of the web platform
Info on the properties and attributes of the web platform (HTML, SVG, ARIA, XML, XMLNS, XLink).
- What is this?
- When should I use this?
- Install
- Use
- Types
- Compatibility
- Support
- Security
- Related
- Contribute
- License
What is this?
This package contains lots of info on all the properties and attributes found on the web platform. It includes data on HTML, SVG, ARIA, XML, XMLNS, and XLink. The names of the properties follow hast’s sensible naming scheme. It includes info on what data types attributes hold, such as whether they’re booleans or contain lists of space separated numbers.
When should I use this?
You can use this package if you’re working with hast, which is an AST for HTML, or have goals related to ASTs, such as figuring out which properties or attributes are valid, or what data types they hold.
This package is ESM only. In Node.js (version 14.14+, 16.0+), install with npm:
npm install property-information
In Deno with
import * as propertyInformation from ''
In browsers with
<script type="module">
import * as propertyInformation from ''
import {html, svg, find, normalize} from 'property-information'
console.log(find(html, 'className'))
// Or: find(html, 'class')
console.log(find(svg, 'horiz-adv-x'))
// Or: find(svg, 'horizAdvX')
console.log(find(svg, 'xlink:arcrole'))
// Or: find(svg, 'xLinkArcRole')
console.log(find(html, 'xmlLang'))
// Or: find(html, 'xml:lang')
console.log(find(html, 'ariaValueNow'))
// Or: find(html, 'aria-valuenow')
{space: 'html', attribute: 'class', property: 'className', spaceSeparated: true}
{space: 'svg', attribute: 'horiz-adv-x', property: 'horizAdvX', number: true}
{space: 'xlink', attribute: 'xlink:arcrole', property: 'xLinkArcrole'}
{space: 'xml', attribute: 'xml:lang', property: 'xmlLang'}
{attribute: 'aria-valuenow', property: 'ariaValueNow', number: true}
This package exports the identifiers html
, svg
, find
, normalize
and hastToReact
There is no default export.
find(schema, name)
Look up info on a property.
In most cases, the given schema
contains info on the property.
All standard, most legacy, and some non-standard properties are supported.
For these cases, the returned Info
has hints about the value of the
can also be a valid data attribute or property, in which case an
object with the correctly cased attribute
and property
can be an unknown attribute, in which case an Info
with attribute
and property
set to the given name is returned.
It is not recommended to provide unsupported legacy or recently specced
) — either thehtml
) — an attribute-like or property-like name that is passed throughnormalize
to find the correct info
Aside from the aforementioned example, which shows known HTML, SVG, XML, XLink, and ARIA support, data properties, and attributes are also supported:
console.log(find(html, 'data-date-of-birth'))
// Or: find(html, 'dataDateOfBirth')
// => {attribute: 'data-date-of-birth', property: 'dataDateOfBirth'}
Unknown values are passed through untouched:
console.log(find(html, 'un-Known'))
// => {attribute: 'un-Known', property: 'un-Known'}
Get the cleaned case insensitive form of an attribute or property.
) — an attribute-like or property-like name
that can be used to look up the properly cased property on a
html.normal[normalize('for')] // => 'htmlFor'
svg.normal[normalize('VIEWBOX')] // => 'viewBox'
html.normal[normalize('unknown')] // => undefined
html.normal[normalize('accept-charset')] // => 'acceptCharset'
for either HTML or SVG, containing info on properties from
the primary space (HTML or SVG) and related embedded spaces (ARIA, XML, XMLNS,
// => {space: 'html', attribute: 'for', property: 'htmlFor' spaceSeparated: true}
// => {space: 'svg', attribute: 'viewBox', property: 'viewBox'}
// => undefined
A schema for a primary space.
) — primary space of the schemanormal
(Record<string, string>
) — object mapping normalized attributes and properties to properly cased propertiesproperty
(Record<string, Info>
) — object mapping properties to info
Info on a property.
, optional) — space of the propertyattribute
) — attribute name for the property that could be used in markup (for example:'aria-describedby'
, or'charoff'
) — JavaScript-style camel-cased name, based on the DOM, but sometimes different (for example:'ariaDescribedBy'
) — the property is aboolean
(for example:hidden
). These properties have an on state when defined and an off state when not definedbooleanish
) — the property is like aboolean
(for example:draggable
) These properties have both an on and off state when defined, and another state when not definedoverloadedBoolean
) — the property is like aboolean
(for example:download
) These properties have an on state plus more states when defined and an off state when not definednumber
) — the property is anumber
(for example:height
) — the property is a list separated by spaces (for example:className
) — the property is a list separated by commas (for example:srcSet
) — the property is a list separated by spaces or commas (for example:strokeDashArray
) — useful when working with the DOM, in which case this property has to be changed as a field on the element, rather than throughsetAttribute
(this is true only for'checked'
, and'selected'
) — the property is defined by a space. This is true for values in HTML (including data and ARIA), SVG, XML, XMLNS, and XLink. Undefined properties can only be found throughfind
hast is close to React, but differs in a couple of cases.
To get a React property from a hast property, check if it is in hastToReact
(Record<string, string>
), if it is, then use the corresponding value,
otherwise, use the hast property.
This package is fully typed with TypeScript.
It exports the additional types Info
and Schema
This package is at least compatible with all maintained versions of Node.js. As of now, that is Node.js 14.14+ and 16.0+. It also works in Deno and modern browsers.
| Property | Attribute | Space |
| ---------------------------- | ------------------------------ | ------------- |
| aLink
| alink
| html
| abbr
| abbr
| html
| about
| about
| svg
| accentHeight
| accent-height
| svg
| accept
| accept
| html
| acceptCharset
| accept-charset
| html
| accessKey
| accesskey
| html
| accumulate
| accumulate
| svg
| action
| action
| html
| additive
| additive
| svg
| align
| align
| html
| alignmentBaseline
| alignment-baseline
| svg
| allow
| allow
| html
| allowFullScreen
| allowfullscreen
| html
| allowPaymentRequest
| allowpaymentrequest
| html
| allowTransparency
| allowtransparency
| html
| allowUserMedia
| allowusermedia
| html
| alphabetic
| alphabetic
| svg
| alt
| alt
| html
| amplitude
| amplitude
| svg
| arabicForm
| arabic-form
| svg
| archive
| archive
| html
| ariaActiveDescendant
| aria-activedescendant
| |
| ariaAtomic
| aria-atomic
| |
| ariaAutoComplete
| aria-autocomplete
| |
| ariaBusy
| aria-busy
| |
| ariaChecked
| aria-checked
| |
| ariaColCount
| aria-colcount
| |
| ariaColIndex
| aria-colindex
| |
| ariaColSpan
| aria-colspan
| |
| ariaControls
| aria-controls
| |
| ariaCurrent
| aria-current
| |
| ariaDescribedBy
| aria-describedby
| |
| ariaDetails
| aria-details
| |
| ariaDisabled
| aria-disabled
| |
| ariaDropEffect
| aria-dropeffect
| |
| ariaErrorMessage
| aria-errormessage
| |
| ariaExpanded
| aria-expanded
| |
| ariaFlowTo
| aria-flowto
| |
| ariaGrabbed
| aria-grabbed
| |
| ariaHasPopup
| aria-haspopup
| |
| ariaHidden
| aria-hidden
| |
| ariaInvalid
| aria-invalid
| |
| ariaKeyShortcuts
| aria-keyshortcuts
| |
| ariaLabel
| aria-label
| |
| ariaLabelledBy
| aria-labelledby
| |
| ariaLevel
| aria-level
| |
| ariaLive
| aria-live
| |
| ariaModal
| aria-modal
| |
| ariaMultiLine
| aria-multiline
| |
| ariaMultiSelectable
| aria-multiselectable
| |
| ariaOrientation
| aria-orientation
| |
| ariaOwns
| aria-owns
| |
| ariaPlaceholder
| aria-placeholder
| |
| ariaPosInSet
| aria-posinset
| |
| ariaPressed
| aria-pressed
| |
| ariaReadOnly
| aria-readonly
| |
| ariaRelevant
| aria-relevant
| |
| ariaRequired
| aria-required
| |
| ariaRoleDescription
| aria-roledescription
| |
| ariaRowCount
| aria-rowcount
| |
| ariaRowIndex
| aria-rowindex
| |
| ariaRowSpan
| aria-rowspan
| |
| ariaSelected
| aria-selected
| |
| ariaSetSize
| aria-setsize
| |
| ariaSort
| aria-sort
| |
| ariaValueMax
| aria-valuemax
| |
| ariaValueMin
| aria-valuemin
| |
| ariaValueNow
| aria-valuenow
| |
| ariaValueText
| aria-valuetext
| |
| as
| as
| html
| ascent
| ascent
| svg
| async
| async
| html
| attributeName
| attributeName
| svg
| attributeType
| attributeType
| svg
| autoCapitalize
| autocapitalize
| html
| autoComplete
| autocomplete
| html
| autoCorrect
| autocorrect
| html
| autoFocus
| autofocus
| html
| autoPlay
| autoplay
| html
| autoSave
| autosave
| html
| axis
| axis
| html
| azimuth
| azimuth
| svg
| background
| background
| html
| bandwidth
| bandwidth
| svg
| baseFrequency
| baseFrequency
| svg
| baseProfile
| baseProfile
| svg
| baselineShift
| baseline-shift
| svg
| bbox
| bbox
| svg
| begin
| begin
| svg
| bgColor
| bgcolor
| html
| bias
| bias
| svg
| blocking
| blocking
| html
| border
| border
| html
| borderColor
| bordercolor
| html
| bottomMargin
| bottommargin
| html
| by
| by
| svg
| calcMode
| calcMode
| svg
| capHeight
| cap-height
| svg
| capture
| capture
| html
| cellPadding
| cellpadding
| html
| cellSpacing
| cellspacing
| html
| char
| char
| html
| charOff
| charoff
| html
| charSet
| charset
| html
| checked
| checked
| html
| cite
| cite
| html
| classId
| classid
| html
| className
| class
| svg
, html
| clear
| clear
| html
| clip
| clip
| svg
| clipPath
| clip-path
| svg
| clipPathUnits
| clipPathUnits
| svg
| clipRule
| clip-rule
| svg
| code
| code
| html
| codeBase
| codebase
| html
| codeType
| codetype
| html
| colSpan
| colspan
| html
| color
| color
| svg
, html
| colorInterpolation
| color-interpolation
| svg
| colorInterpolationFilters
| color-interpolation-filters
| svg
| colorProfile
| color-profile
| svg
| colorRendering
| color-rendering
| svg
| cols
| cols
| html
| compact
| compact
| html
| content
| content
| svg
, html
| contentEditable
| contenteditable
| html
| contentScriptType
| contentScriptType
| svg
| contentStyleType
| contentStyleType
| svg
| controls
| controls
| html
| controlsList
| controlslist
| html
| coords
| coords
| html
| crossOrigin
| crossorigin
| svg
, html
| cursor
| cursor
| svg
| cx
| cx
| svg
| cy
| cy
| svg
| d
| d
| svg
| data
| data
| html
| dataType
| datatype
| svg
| dateTime
| datetime
| html
| declare
| declare
| html
| decoding
| decoding
| html
| default
| default
| html
| defaultAction
| defaultAction
| svg
| defer
| defer
| html
| descent
| descent
| svg
| diffuseConstant
| diffuseConstant
| svg
| dir
| dir
| html
| dirName
| dirname
| html
| direction
| direction
| svg
| disablePictureInPicture
| disablepictureinpicture
| html
| disableRemotePlayback
| disableremoteplayback
| html
| disabled
| disabled
| html
| display
| display
| svg
| divisor
| divisor
| svg
| dominantBaseline
| dominant-baseline
| svg
| download
| download
| svg
, html
| draggable
| draggable
| html
| dur
| dur
| svg
| dx
| dx
| svg
| dy
| dy
| svg
| edgeMode
| edgeMode
| svg
| editable
| editable
| svg
| elevation
| elevation
| svg
| enableBackground
| enable-background
| svg
| encType
| enctype
| html
| end
| end
| svg
| enterKeyHint
| enterkeyhint
| html
| event
| event
| svg
, html
| exponent
| exponent
| svg
| externalResourcesRequired
| externalResourcesRequired
| svg
| face
| face
| html
| fetchPriority
| fetchpriority
| html
| fill
| fill
| svg
| fillOpacity
| fill-opacity
| svg
| fillRule
| fill-rule
| svg
| filter
| filter
| svg
| filterRes
| filterRes
| svg
| filterUnits
| filterUnits
| svg
| floodColor
| flood-color
| svg
| floodOpacity
| flood-opacity
| svg
| focusHighlight
| focusHighlight
| svg
| focusable
| focusable
| svg
| fontFamily
| font-family
| svg
| fontSize
| font-size
| svg
| fontSizeAdjust
| font-size-adjust
| svg
| fontStretch
| font-stretch
| svg
| fontStyle
| font-style
| svg
| fontVariant
| font-variant
| svg
| fontWeight
| font-weight
| svg
| form
| form
| html
| formAction
| formaction
| html
| formEncType
| formenctype
| html
| formMethod
| formmethod
| html
| formNoValidate
| formnovalidate
| html
| formTarget
| formtarget
| html
| format
| format
| svg
| fr
| fr
| svg
| frame
| frame
| html
| frameBorder
| frameborder
| html
| from
| from
| svg
| fx
| fx
| svg
| fy
| fy
| svg
| g1
| g1
| svg
| g2
| g2
| svg
| glyphName
| glyph-name
| svg
| glyphOrientationHorizontal
| glyph-orientation-horizontal
| svg
| glyphOrientationVertical
| glyph-orientation-vertical
| svg
| glyphRef
| glyphRef
| svg
| gradientTransform
| gradientTransform
| svg
| gradientUnits
| gradientUnits
| svg
| hSpace
| hspace
| html
| handler
| handler
| svg
| hanging
| hanging
| svg
| hatchContentUnits
| hatchContentUnits
| svg
| hatchUnits
| hatchUnits
| svg
| headers
| headers
| html
| height
| height
| svg
, html
| hidden
| hidden
| html
| high
| high
| html
| horizAdvX
| horiz-adv-x
| svg
| horizOriginX
| horiz-origin-x
| svg
| horizOriginY
| horiz-origin-y
| svg
| href
| href
| svg
, html
| hrefLang
| hreflang
| svg
, html
| htmlFor
| for
| html
| httpEquiv
| http-equiv
| html
| id
| id
| svg
, html
| ideographic
| ideographic
| svg
| imageRendering
| image-rendering
| svg
| imageSizes
| imagesizes
| html
| imageSrcSet
| imagesrcset
| html
| in
| in
| svg
| in2
| in2
| svg
| inert
| inert
| html
| initialVisibility
| initialVisibility
| svg
| inputMode
| inputmode
| html
| integrity
| integrity
| html
| intercept
| intercept
| svg
| is
| is
| html
| isMap
| ismap
| html
| itemId
| itemid
| html
| itemProp
| itemprop
| html
| itemRef
| itemref
| html
| itemScope
| itemscope
| html
| itemType
| itemtype
| html
| k
| k
| svg
| k1
| k1
| svg
| k2
| k2
| svg
| k3
| k3
| svg
| k4
| k4
| svg
| kernelMatrix
| kernelMatrix
| svg
| kernelUnitLength
| kernelUnitLength
| svg
| kerning
| kerning
| svg
| keyPoints
| keyPoints
| svg
| keySplines
| keySplines
| svg
| keyTimes
| keyTimes
| svg
| kind
| kind
| html
| label
| label
| html
| lang
| lang
| svg
, html
| language
| language
| html
| leftMargin
| leftmargin
| html
| lengthAdjust
| lengthAdjust
| svg
| letterSpacing
| letter-spacing
| svg
| lightingColor
| lighting-color
| svg
| limitingConeAngle
| limitingConeAngle
| svg
| link
| link
| html
| list
| list
| html
| loading
| loading
| html
| local
| local
| svg
| longDesc
| longdesc
| html
| loop
| loop
| html
| low
| low
| html
| lowSrc
| lowsrc
| html
| manifest
| manifest
| html
| marginHeight
| marginheight
| html
| marginWidth
| marginwidth
| html
| markerEnd
| marker-end
| svg
| markerHeight
| markerHeight
| svg
| markerMid
| marker-mid
| svg
| markerStart
| marker-start
| svg
| markerUnits
| markerUnits
| svg
| markerWidth
| markerWidth
| svg
| mask
| mask
| svg
| maskContentUnits
| maskContentUnits
| svg
| maskUnits
| maskUnits
| svg
| mathematical
| mathematical
| svg
| max
| max
| svg
, html
| maxLength
| maxlength
| html
| media
| media
| svg
, html
| mediaCharacterEncoding
| mediaCharacterEncoding
| svg
| mediaContentEncodings
| mediaContentEncodings
| svg
| mediaSize
| mediaSize
| svg
| mediaTime
| mediaTime
| svg
| method
| method
| svg
, html
| min
| min
| svg
, html
| minLength
| minlength
| html
| mode
| mode
| svg
| multiple
| multiple
| html
| muted
| muted
| html
| name
| name
| svg
, html
| navDown
| nav-down
| svg
| navDownLeft
| nav-down-left
| svg
| navDownRight
| nav-down-right
| svg
| navLeft
| nav-left
| svg
| navNext
| nav-next
| svg
| navPrev
| nav-prev
| svg
| navRight
| nav-right
| svg
| navUp
| nav-up
| svg
| navUpLeft
| nav-up-left
| svg
| navUpRight
| nav-up-right
| svg
| noHref
| nohref
| html
| noModule
| nomodule
| html
| noResize
| noresize
| html
| noShade
| noshade
| html
| noValidate
| novalidate
| html
| noWrap
| nowrap
| html
| nonce
| nonce
| html
| numOctaves
| numOctaves
| svg
| object
| object
| html
| observer
| observer
| svg
| offset
| offset
| svg
| onAbort
| onabort
| svg
, html
| onActivate
| onactivate
| svg
| onAfterPrint
| onafterprint
| svg
, html
| onAuxClick
| onauxclick
| html
| onBeforeMatch
| onbeforematch
| html
| onBeforePrint
| onbeforeprint
| svg
, html
| onBeforeToggle
| onbeforetoggle
| html
| onBeforeUnload
| onbeforeunload
| html
| onBegin
| onbegin
| svg
| onBlur
| onblur
| html
| onCanPlay
| oncanplay
| svg
, html
| onCanPlayThrough
| oncanplaythrough
| svg
, html
| onCancel
| oncancel
| svg
, html
| onChange
| onchange
| svg
, html
| onClick
| onclick
| svg
, html
| onClose
| onclose
| svg
, html
| onContextLost
| oncontextlost
| html
| onContextMenu
| oncontextmenu
| html
| onContextRestored
| oncontextrestored
| html
| onCopy
| oncopy
| svg
, html
| onCueChange
| oncuechange
| svg
, html
| onCut
| oncut
| svg
, html
| onDblClick
| ondblclick
| svg
, html
| onDrag
| ondrag
| svg
, html
| onDragEnd
| ondragend
| svg
, html
| onDragEnter
| ondragenter
| svg
, html
| onDragExit
| ondragexit
| svg
, html
| onDragLeave
| ondragleave
| svg
, html
| onDragOver
| ondragover
| svg
, html
| onDragStart
| ondragstart
| svg
, html
| onDrop
| ondrop
| svg
, html
| onDurationChange
| ondurationchange
| svg
, html
| onEmptied
| onemptied
| svg
, html
| onEnd
| onend
| svg
| onEnded
| onended
| svg
, html
| onError
| onerror
| svg
, html
| onFocus
| onfocus
| svg
, html
| onFocusIn
| onfocusin
| svg
| onFocusOut
| onfocusout
| svg
| onFormData
| onformdata
| html
| onHashChange
| onhashchange
| svg
, html
| onInput
| oninput
| svg
, html
| onInvalid
| oninvalid
| svg
, html
| onKeyDown
| onkeydown
| svg
, html
| onKeyPress
| onkeypress
| svg
, html
| onKeyUp
| onkeyup
| svg
, html
| onLanguageChange
| onlanguagechange
| html
| onLoad
| onload
| svg
, html
| onLoadEnd
| onloadend
| html
| onLoadStart
| onloadstart
| svg
, html
| onLoadedData
| onloadeddata
| svg
, html
| onLoadedMetadata
| onloadedmetadata
| svg
, html
| onMessage
| onmessage
| svg
, html
| onMessageError
| onmessageerror
| html
| onMouseDown
| onmousedown
| svg
, html
| onMouseEnter
| onmouseenter
| svg
, html
| onMouseLeave
| onmouseleave
| svg
, html
| onMouseMove
| onmousemove
| svg
, html
| onMouseOut
| onmouseout
| svg
, html
| onMouseOver
| onmouseover
| svg
, html
| onMouseUp
| onmouseup
| svg
, html
| onMouseWheel
| onmousewheel
| svg
| onOffline
| onoffline
| svg
, html
| onOnline
| ononline
| svg
, html
| onPageHide
| onpagehide
| svg
, html
| onPageShow
| onpageshow
| svg
, html
| onPaste
| onpaste
| svg
, html
| onPause
| onpause
| svg
, html
| onPlay
| onplay
| svg
, html
| onPlaying
| onplaying
| svg
, html
| onPopState
| onpopstate
| svg
, html
| onProgress
| onprogress
| svg
, html
| onRateChange
| onratechange
| svg
, html
| onRejectionHandled
| onrejectionhandled
| html
| onRepeat
| onrepeat
| svg
| onReset
| onreset
| svg
, html
| onResize
| onresize
| svg
, html
| onScroll
| onscroll
| svg
, html
| onScrollEnd
| onscrollend
| html
| onSecurityPolicyViolation
| onsecuritypolicyviolation
| html
| onSeeked
| onseeked
| svg
, html
| onSeeking
| onseeking
| svg
, html
| onSelect
| onselect
| svg
, html
| onShow
| onshow
| svg
| onSlotChange
| onslotchange
| html
| onStalled
| onstalled
| svg
, html
| onStorage
| onstorage
| svg
, html
| onSubmit
| onsubmit
| svg
, html
| onSuspend
| onsuspend
| svg
, html
| onTimeUpdate
| ontimeupdate
| svg
, html
| onToggle
| ontoggle
| svg
, html
| onUnhandledRejection
| onunhandledrejection
| html
| onUnload
| onunload
| svg
, html
| onVolumeChange
| onvolumechange
| svg
, html
| onWaiting
| onwaiting
| svg
, html
| onWheel
| onwheel
| html
| onZoom
| onzoom
| svg
| opacity
| opacity
| svg
| open
| open
| html
| operator
| operator
| svg
| optimum
| optimum
| html
| order
| order
| svg
| orient
| orient
| svg
| orientation
| orientation
| svg
| origin
| origin
| svg
| overflow
| overflow
| svg
| overlay
| overlay
| svg
| overlinePosition
| overline-position
| svg
| overlineThickness
| overline-thickness
| svg
| paintOrder
| paint-order
| svg
| panose1
| panose-1
| svg
| path
| path
| svg
| pathLength
| pathLength
| svg
| pattern
| pattern
| html
| patternContentUnits
| patternContentUnits
| svg
| patternTransform
| patternTransform
| svg
| patternUnits
| patternUnits
| svg
| phase
| phase
| svg
| ping
| ping
| svg
, html
| pitch
| pitch
| svg
| placeholder
| placeholder
| html
| playbackOrder
| playbackorder
| svg
| playsInline
| playsinline
| html
| pointerEvents
| pointer-events
| svg
| points
| points
| svg
| pointsAtX
| pointsAtX
| svg
| pointsAtY
| pointsAtY
| svg
| pointsAtZ
| pointsAtZ
| svg
| popover
| popover
| html
| popoverTarget
| popovertarget
| html
| popoverTargetAction
| popovertargetaction
| html
| poster
| poster
| html
| prefix
| prefix
| html
| preload
| preload
| html
| preserveAlpha
| preserveAlpha
| svg
| preserveAspectRatio
| preserveAspectRatio
| svg
| primitiveUnits
| primitiveUnits
| svg
| profile
| profile
| html
| prompt
| prompt
| html
| propagate
| propagate
| svg
| property
| property
| svg
, html
| r
| r
| svg
| radius
| radius
| svg
| readOnly
| readonly
| html
| refX
| refX
| svg
| refY
| refY
| svg
| referrerPolicy
| referrerpolicy
| svg
, html
| rel
| rel
| svg
, html
| renderingIntent
| rendering-intent
| svg
| repeatCount
| repeatCount
| svg
| repeatDur
| repeatDur
| svg
| required
| required
| html
| requiredExtensions
| requiredExtensions
| svg
| requiredFeatures
| requiredFeatures
| svg
| requiredFonts
| requiredFonts
| svg
| requiredFormats
| requiredFormats
| svg
| resource
| resource
| svg
| restart
| restart
| svg
| result
| result
| svg
| results
| results
| html
| rev
| rev
| svg
, html
| reversed
| reversed
| html
| rightMargin
| rightmargin
| html
| role
| role
| |
| rotate
| rotate
| svg
| rowSpan
| rowspan
| html
| rows
| rows
| html
| rules
| rules
| html
| rx
| rx
| svg
| ry
| ry
| svg
| sandbox
| sandbox
| html
| scale
| scale
| svg
| scheme
| scheme
| html
| scope
| scope
| html
| scoped
| scoped
| html
| scrolling
| scrolling
| html
| seamless
| seamless
| html
| security
| security
| html
| seed
| seed
| svg
| selected
| selected
| html
| shadowRootClonable
| shadowrootclonable
| html
| shadowRootDelegatesFocus
| shadowrootdelegatesfocus
| html
| shadowRootMode
| shadowrootmode
| html
| shape
| shape
| html
| shapeRendering
| shape-rendering
| svg
| side
| side
| svg
| size
| size
| html
| sizes
| sizes
| html
| slope
| slope
| svg
| slot
| slot
| html
| snapshotTime
| snapshotTime
| svg
| spacing
| spacing
| svg
| span
| span
| html
| specularConstant
| specularConstant
| svg
| specularExponent
| specularExponent
| svg
| spellCheck
| spellcheck
| html
| spreadMethod
| spreadMethod
| svg
| src
| src
| html
| srcDoc
| srcdoc
| html
| srcLang
| srclang
| html
| srcSet
| srcset
| html
| standby
| standby
| html
| start
| start
| html
| startOffset
| startOffset
| svg
| stdDeviation
| stdDeviation
| svg
| stemh
| stemh
| svg
| stemv
| stemv
| svg
| step
| step
| html
| stitchTiles
| stitchTiles
| svg
| stopColor
| stop-color
| svg
| stopOpacity
| stop-opacity
| svg
| strikethroughPosition
| strikethrough-position
| svg
| strikethroughThickness
| strikethrough-thickness
| svg
| string
| string
| svg
| stroke
| stroke
| svg
| strokeDashArray
| stroke-dasharray
| svg
| strokeDashOffset
| stroke-dashoffset
| svg
| strokeLineCap
| stroke-linecap
| svg
| strokeLineJoin
| stroke-linejoin
| svg
| strokeMiterLimit
| stroke-miterlimit
| svg
| strokeOpacity
| stroke-opacity
| svg
| strokeWidth
| stroke-width
| svg
| style
| style
| svg
, html
| summary
| summary
| html
| surfaceScale
| surfaceScale
| svg
| syncBehavior
| syncBehavior
| svg
| syncBehaviorDefault
| syncBehaviorDefault
| svg
| syncMaster
| syncMaster
| svg
| syncTolerance
| syncTolerance
| svg
| syncToleranceDefault
| syncToleranceDefault
| svg
| systemLanguage
| systemLanguage
| svg
| tabIndex
| tabindex
| svg
, html
| tableValues
| tableValues
| svg
| target
| target
| svg
, html
| targetX
| targetX
| svg
| targetY
| targetY
| svg
| text
| text
| html
| textAnchor
| text-anchor
| svg
| textDecoration
| text-decoration
| svg
| textLength
| textLength
| svg
| textRendering
| text-rendering
| svg
| timelineBegin
| timelinebegin
| svg
| title
| title
| svg
, html
| to
| to
| svg
| topMargin
| topmargin
| html
| transform
| transform
| svg
| transformBehavior
| transformBehavior
| svg
| transformOrigin
| transform-origin
| svg
| translate
| translate
| html
| type
| type
| svg
, html
| typeMustMatch
| typemustmatch
| html
| typeOf
| typeof
| svg
| u1
| u1
| svg
| u2
| u2
| svg
| underlinePosition
| underline-position
| svg
| underlineThickness
| underline-thickness
| svg
| unicode
| unicode
| svg
| unicodeBidi
| unicode-bidi
| svg
| unicodeRange
| unicode-range
| svg
| unitsPerEm
| units-per-em
| svg
| unselectable
| unselectable
| html
| useMap
| usemap
| html
| vAlign
| valign
| html
| vAlphabetic
| v-alphabetic
| svg
| vHanging
| v-hanging
| svg
| vIdeographic
| v-ideographic
| svg
| vLink
| vlink
| html
| vMathematical
| v-mathematical
| svg
| vSpace
| vspace
| html
| value
| value
| html
| valueType
| valuetype
| html
| values
| values
| svg
| vectorEffect
| vector-effect
| svg
| version
| version
| svg
, html
| vertAdvY
| vert-adv-y
| svg
| vertOriginX
| vert-origin-x
| svg
| vertOriginY
| vert-origin-y
| svg
| viewBox
| viewBox
| svg
| viewTarget
| viewTarget
| svg
| visibility
| visibility
| svg
| width
| width
| svg
, html
| widths
| widths
| svg
| wordSpacing
| word-spacing
| svg
| wrap
| wrap
| html
| writingMode
| writing-mode
| svg
| writingSuggestions
| writingsuggestions
| html
| x
| x
| svg
| x1
| x1
| svg
| x2
| x2
| svg
| xChannelSelector
| xChannelSelector
| svg
| xHeight
| x-height
| svg
| xLinkActuate
| xlink:actuate
| xlink
| xLinkArcRole
| xlink:arcrole
| xlink
| xLinkHref
| xlink:href
| xlink
| xLinkRole
| xlink:role
| xlink
| xLinkShow
| xlink:show
| xlink
| xLinkTitle
| xlink:title
| xlink
| xLinkType
| xlink:type
| xlink
| xmlBase
| xml:base
| xml
| xmlLang
| xml:lang
| xml
| xmlSpace
| xml:space
| xml
| xmlns
| xmlns
| xmlns
| xmlnsXLink
| xmlns:xlink
| xmlns
| y
| y
| svg
| y1
| y1
| svg
| y2
| y2
| svg
| yChannelSelector
| yChannelSelector
| svg
| z
| z
| svg
| zoomAndPan
| zoomAndPan
| svg
This package is safe.
— list of web namespaceswooorm/space-separated-tokens
— parse/stringify space separated tokenswooorm/comma-separated-tokens
— parse/stringify comma separated tokenswooorm/html-tag-names
— list of HTML tag nameswooorm/mathml-tag-names
— list of MathML tag nameswooorm/svg-tag-names
— list of SVG tag nameswooorm/html-void-elements
— list of void HTML tag nameswooorm/svg-element-attributes
— map of SVG elements to allowed attributeswooorm/html-element-attributes
— map of HTML elements to allowed attributeswooorm/aria-attributes
— list of ARIA attributes
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Derivative work based on React licensed under MIT, © Facebook, Inc.