Exposes the native `GetCookieInfoForUri(..)` function from the ProofOfPossessionCookieInfo.h to JavaScript via N-API
Microsoft Azure AD Identity Provider (IDP) is popular with Enterprise Customers where it is leveraged by their Single Sign-On (SSO) solutions. A feature of Azure IDP is Conditional Access which can be used to ensure only enrolled, or domain specific, devices are used. Typically this aspect of the IDP flow is powered by WebView2, which is problematic for Electron users.
This module overcomes that limit. It exposes the native GetCookieInfoForUri(..)
function from the ProofOfPossessionCookieInfo.h header to JavaScript via N-API. This function returns a token which can be used to authenticate when connecting to
as part of the Azure IDP flow. e.g.
x-ms-RefreshTokenCredential: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsICJrZGZfdmVyIjoyLCAiY3R4IjoiRTA2RnZWbm9mU2RSNFpvSHNxWjlIOWsyeVdTTGVETHAifQ...
The data accessed via GetCookieInfoForUri(..)
is in the following format
x-ms-RefreshTokenCredential eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsICJrZGZfdmVyIjoyLCAiY3R4IjoiRTA2RnZWbm9mU2RSNFpvSHNxWjlIOWsyeVdTTGVETHAifQ...; path=/;; secure; httponly"
of which this module returns
name: "x-ms-RefreshTokenCredential",
data: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsICJrZGZfdmVyIjoyLCAiY3R4IjoiRTA2RnZWbm9mU2RSNFpvSHNxWjlIOWsyeVdTTGVETHAifQ..."
This function is Windows specific but the module includes a "do nothing" implementation on other platforms. For Windows machines, which are not enrolled for conditional access, and non-Windows platforms this module returns an empty list.
Build Requirements
- NodeJS 16
- Python 3
- Visual Studio
How to build
C++ code
Install node-gyp
globally with
npm install node-gyp --global
This package will allow you to build native code and package it for JavaScript consumption. To build the C++ code use
node-gyp rebuild
The output of which is a build\Release\cookie-info-manager.node
file which can be required(..)
in NodeJS. e.g.
const cookieInfoManager = require('./build/Release/cookie-info-manager.node')
but it's a good practice to use bindings
const cookieInfoManager = require('bindings')('cookie-info-manager');
Usage in Electron
const proofOfPossessionCookieInfo = require('proof-of-possession-cookie-info')
const view = new BrowserView({....})
// The token is security critical and should only be sent to addresses matching this pattern
const filter = {
urls: ["*://*"]
view.webContents.session.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders(filter, (details, callback) => {
const headers = proofOfPossessionCookieInfo.getCookieInfoForUri(details.url)
for (const header of headers) {
details.requestHeaders[] =
callback({ requestHeaders: details.requestHeaders })
An executable is not required. But it can be useful for standalone testing. Based on these instructions install pkg
globally with
npm install pkg --global
then create a Windows .exe
pkg proof.js --t win-x64
which will create an proof.exe