Create quick setup prompts for users that can be gone through in any order of their choosing as long as some prerequisites are met
Prompt Set
Create a list of prompts for a user to answer in any order!
Allows you to lock specific prompts that require other prompts to be answered first and allows users to edit their responses and see their answers validated.
Helpful for setting up a list of environment variables or prompting and validating credentials from a user.
To install prompt-set
, run npm install prompt-set
or clone this repository and run npm install
Full documentation can be found here on the GitHub Pages site.
It can also be generated locally by cloning this repository and running npm run docs
and viewed by running npm run servedocs
Promptlet info object structure
Excludes Inquirer's Question object properties
You can safely assume that any property of the Inquirer.js question object will work the same way except for filter and validate (They have been wrapped so the code will still work either way).
For a sample program, look at the test.js
"optionName": "string",
"name": "string",
"message": "string",
"type": "string (See inquirer documentation)",
"default": "string|number|boolean|function",
"prerequisites": ["string (Array of Prerequisite Promptlet names. Will NOT be validated)"],
"validate": ["Functions/Validators.js exports. Overrides Inquirer's validate property"],
"filter": ["Functions/Filters.js exports. Overrides Inquirer's filter property"],
"allowBlank": "boolean",
"autoTrim": "boolean",
"value": "string",
"editable": "boolean",
"required": "boolean"