A simple Promise wrapper around AWS Kinesis putRecord
Promised Kinesis
A simple promise based wrapper around Kinesis Publish.
const AWS = require( 'aws-sdk' );
const PromisedKinesis = require( 'promised-kinesis' );
const kinesis = new PromisedKinesis( new AWS.Kinesis() );
PromisedKinesis( kinesis[, streamNameFactory ] )
: An AWS Kinesis instancestreamNameFactory
: Optional. A factory function generating stream names based on records.String streamNameFactory( record )
Promise publish( record, partitionKey[, streamName ] )
Publishes a record to a stream. If the record is an object it will be stringified, otherwise it will be written as is.
If no streamName is provided the streamNameFacotry will be used to generate a stream name based on the record. If neither a streamName nor a streamNameFactory is provided the Promise is rejected.
Environment and Type Stream Name Factory
A streamNameFactory implementation that I use on a lot of my projects so I published in case it's of general use. It bases a stream name on an environment name and a type property of a record object.
const environmentAndTypeStreamNameFactory = require( 'promised-kinesis' ).factories.environmentAndTypeStreamNameFactory;
const streamNameFactory = environmentAndTypeStreamNameFactory( 'prod' );
This factory expects that records are objects and they have a
key. It also expects that the value of the type
is clean such that [environment name]-[type]
make up a valid
stream name (no sanitization is done).