Yet another wrapper for functions that returns promise to retry rejected attempts. But this one with advanced **flexibility**.
Yet another wrapper for functions that returns promise to retry rejected attempts.
But this one with advanced flexibility.
import promiseAgain from 'promise-again';
function someFunctionReturningAPromise() {
const wrappedFunction = promiseAgain(
* A function that returns a promise
* Optional. Delay in milisecconds or a function that returns a delay
* or a function that returns a promise that resolves to a delay.
* @param reason - reason of the last rejection;
* @param attempt - number of used attempts;
* @param ...args - last attempt arguments;
* @returns {number | Promise<number>} - modified arguments to be used in the next attempt or a promise that is resolved to such arguments;
delay: 1000, /*number | ((attempt: number, ...args: any[]) => number | Promise<number>)*/
* Required. Number of attempts or function that returns true or a Promise that resolved to true if retry is needed;
* @param reason - reason of the last rejection;
* @param attempt - number of used attempts;
* @param ...args - last attempt arguments;
* @returns {boolean | Promise<any[]>} - modified arguments to be used in the next attempt or a promise that is resolved to such arguments;
attempts: 10, /*number | ((attempt: number, ...args: any[]) => boolean | Promise<boolean>);*/
* Optional. Function that is called before every retry attempt to modify next attempt arguments;
* @param reason - reason of the last rejection;
* @param attempt - number of used attempts;
* @param ...args - last attempt arguments;
* @returns {any[] | Promise<any[]>} - modified arguments to be used in the next attempt or a promise that is resolved to such arguments;
retryArgumentsInterceptor: (reason, attempt, ...args) => args /*(reason: any, attempt: number, ...args: any[]) => any[] | Promise<any[]>;*/