1. Introduction: - This is a server side application that reads user details and saves them in mongodb database, aswell as queries them from database too.
- This is a server side application that reads user details and saves them in mongodb database, aswell as queries them from database too.
- Clone or fork this repository into your machine.
- Install NodeJS in your system.
- npm install
Connecting database:
- Copy and paste your mongodb database's connection string into env file.
- If you are connectiing to a cloud hosted database make sure you register your device's ip addres (You will see abutton called "Add Curent IP Address" inside connect prompt.)
- npm run start:dev
- Open graphql playground -http://localhost:3000/graphql
- Save user data using mutaion.
- Retrive user data using query.
Exploring code base:
If you see inside input-type folder, there is a file that defines the structure of data that we can give input to our mutation and this where the input validation is also carried out.
If you see object-type folder, there is a file that defines the structue of data that we can output from our query.
If you see inside database folder, there is file that defines the structue of our mongodb documents.
If you see inside user.resolver.ts, there is methods decorated by mutation and query decorators. Those are the end points of our application.
- Mutation is responsible for handling incoming data.
- Query is responsible for serving requested data.
Al the database operations are done inside user.service.ts.
- Mongoose modle is injected to access a document instance and perform database operations on it.
GraphQL Play Ground: mutation { creatUser( createUser: { fullName: "" gender: "" phoneNumber: "" email: "" address: "" nationality: "" dateOfBirth: "2023-09-09T14:30:00.000+00:00" education: "" preferedModeOfContact: " } ) { fullName dateOfBirth } }
query { getAllUsers { id fullName gender phoneNumber email address nationality dateOfBirth education preferedModeOfContact } } query { getUser(id: "") { id fullName gender } } mutation { updateUser( id: "" updateUser: { fullName: "" gender: "" phoneNumber: "" email: "" address: "" nationality: "" dateOfBirth: "2023-09-09T14:30:00.000+00:00" education: "" preferedModeOfContact: "" } ) { id fullName } } mutation { deleteUser(id: "") }