Install node, last version Go to package.json and replace RepositoryURL with your github repo URL Go to electron-builder.yml and replace YourPersonalTokenHere with your github personal token Open a terminal and cd into the project folder. Run npm install
After that, you can build your first version with the following command electron-builder build --win -p="always" -c="electron-builder.yml" The above command builds only for windows, to add linux as well, add --linux , and for all 3 OSs, run the following command electron-builder build -mwl -p="always" -c="electron-builder.yml"
For every update, you'd have to increment the version from package.json, from 1.0.0. Any incrementation will be considered a new version Once that's done, you'll have a new tab in your repo called releases, where you will have a draft of your application. Just press edit and then save, this will move it from draft to release and thus be available to be updated next time an user starts the application
PS: You can set your repository to private, so the code/releases will be normally hidden, but the application will still be able