Added some helper functions with underscore(_) prefix into prototype of Array/String/Object.
Add common methods in Array,Object and String prototype
- pro-underscore added some helper functions with underscore(_) prefix into prototype of Array/String/Object.
- All methods are immutable.
npm i pro-underscore --save
//or with yarn
yarn add pro-underscore
const proto = require('pro-underscore');
import proto from 'pro-underscore'
- If no arguments are passed, all functions will be added to the Array, Object, and String prototypes.
- If you pass an empty object({}) as an argument to the init method, functions will not be added to the prototype.
- If you only want to add functions to an array prototype, use the init function like
proto.init({Array:true,Object:false,String:fasle}); or proto.init({Array:true});
- In the package's init method, use Array,Object,String instead of array,object,string as the key of the passed Object. If you enter the wrong key, the methods will not be added to the prototype.
String Method
| Method | Description | | ------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | _capitalize | capitalizes the first letter of the string | | _toTitleCase | convert first letter of each word capitalized | | _toSwapCase | all letters changed to uppercase or lowercase depending on current case of letter (upper or lower) | | _toCamelCase | convert string into camel Case | | _toPascalCase | convert string into pascal Case | | _toDotCase | convert string into dot case. e.g | | _toSlugCase | convert string into slug case. e.g hello-world | | _truncate | truncates the given string to the specified length | | _mask | masks a portion of a string with a repeated character | | _isJson | checks if the string is a valid JSON string or not | | _camelToSnakeCase | converts a camelCase string to snake case string | | _chars | convert string to array of characters | | _escape | escape string for use in HTML attributes. | | _unescape | unescape string for use in HTML attributes. | | _words | convert string to array of words |
Object Method
| Method | Description | | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | _flip | To swap the keys and values of an object | | _sort | sort an object by keys | | _pick | pick specific keys from an object | | _omit | omit specific keys from an object | | _clone | deep clone | | _merge | merge multiple object | | _keys_count | get the size of an object like number of keys | | _keys | get all keys from an object. it's equal to Object.keys() | | _values | get all values from an object. it's equal to Object.values() | | _capitalizeKeys | convert all keys to title case | | _toLowerCaseKeys | convert all keys to lower case | | _toUpperCaseKeys | convert all keys to upper case |
Array Method
| Method | Description | | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | _capitalize | convert each element to capitalize if element is a string | | _toTitleCase | convert each element to title case if element is a string | | _toLowerCase | convert each element to lower case if element is a string | | _toUpperCase | convert each element to lower case if element is a string | | _toCamelCase | convert each element to lower case if element is a string | | _toPascalCase | convert each element to pascal case if element is a string | | _toSnakeCase | convert each element to snake case if element is a string | | _toSlugCase | convert each element to slug case if element is a string | | _sum | sum of all integer element in the array | | _min | find min number with the array | | _max | find max number with the array | | _random | get random element of the array | | _chunk | create chunk of array | | _isEquivalent | check the array is equivalent to another array | | _head | get first element of array | | _last | get last element of array | | _fromPairs | To swap the keys and values in an object | | _hashCode | To swap the keys and values in an object | | _insert | insert data into specific index | | _deleteAt | delete data from specific index | | _at | get element data from specific index |
String Methods
- _capitalize
const word = "hello world";
const updatedWord = word._capitalize();
console.log(updatedWord); // output: Hello world
- _toTitleCase
const word = "hello world";
const updatedWord = word._toTitleCase();
console.log(updatedWord); // output: Hello World
- _toSwapCase
const word = "hello World";
const updatedWord = word._toSwapCase();
console.log(updatedWord); // output: HELLO wORLD
- _toCamelCase
const word = "Hello World";
const updatedWord = word._toCamelCase();
console.log(updatedWord); // output: helloWorld
- _toPascalCase
const word = "hello World";
const updatedWord = word._toPascalCase();
console.log(updatedWord); // output: HelloWorld
- _toDotCase
const word = "hello World";
const updatedWord = word._toDotCase();
console.log(updatedWord); // output: hello.World
- _toSnakeCase
const word = "hello World";
const updatedWord = word._toSnakeCase();
console.log(updatedWord); // output: hello_world
- _toSlugCase
const word = "hello World";
const updatedWord = word._toSlugCase();
console.log(updatedWord); // output: hello-world
- _truncate
const word = "hello World";
const updatedWord = word._truncate(5);
console.log(updatedWord); // output: hello...
- _mask
const word = "hello World";
const updatedWord = word._mask(5, "*");
console.log(updatedWord); // output: hello******
- _isJson
const word = "{'hello':'hello','world':'world'}";
const updatedWord = word._isJson();
console.log(updatedWord); // output: true
- _camelToSnakeCase
const word = "helloWorld";
const updatedWord = word._camelToSnakeCase();
console.log(updatedWord); // output: hello_world
- _chars
const word = "hello World";
const updatedWord = word._chars();
console.log(updatedWord); // output: ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o", " ", "W", "o", "r", "l", "d"]
- _words
const word = "hello World";
const updatedWord = word._words();
console.log(updatedWord); // output: ["hello", "World"]
- _toTitleCase
const word = "hello World";
const updatedWord = word._toTitleCase();
console.log(updatedWord); // output: Hello World
Object Methods
- _flip
const object = { a: 1, b: 2 };
const updatedObject = object._toTitleCase();
console.log(updatedObject); // output: { 1: "a", 2: "b" }
- _sort
const object = { a: 2, b: 1 };
const updatedObject = object._sort();
console.log(updatedObject); // output: { b:1,a:2 };
- _pick
const object = { a: 1, b: 2 };
const updatedObject = object._pick(["a"]);
console.log(updatedObject); // output: {a:1}
- _omit
const object = { a: 1, b: 2 };
const updatedObject = object._omit(["a"]);
console.log(updatedObject); // output: {b:2}
- _clone
const object = { a: 1, b: 2 };
const cloneObject = object._clone();
console.log(cloneObject); // output: { a: 1, b: 2 }
- _merge
const object = { a: 1, b: 2 };
const mergedObject = object._merge({ a: 3, c: 4 });
console.log(mergedObject); // output: { a: 3, b: 2,c:4 }
- _keys_count
const object = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 4 };
const sizeofObject = object._keys_count();
console.log(sizeofObject); // output: 3
- _keys
const object = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 4 };
const objectKeys = object._keys();
console.log(objectKeys); // output: [a,b,c]
- _values
const object = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 4 };
const objectValues = object._values();
console.log(objectValues); // output: [1,2,4]
- _capitalizeKeys
const object = { HelloWord: "HelloWord", capWord: "capWord" };
const updateObject = object._capitalizeKeys();
console.log(updateObject); // output: { "helloWord": "HelloWord","capWord":"capWord"};;
- _toLowerCaseKeys
const object = { HelloWord: "HelloWord", capWord: "capWord" };
const updateObject = object._toLowerCaseKeys();
console.log(updateObject); // output: { "Helloword": "HelloWord","capword":"capWord"}
- _toUpperCaseKeys
const object = { HelloWord: "HelloWord", capWord: "capWord" };
const updateObject = object._toUpperCaseKeys();
console.log(updateObject); // output: { "HELLOWORD": "HelloWord","CAPWORD":"capWord"}
Array Methods
- _capitalize
const array = [1, 2, 3, "4", "a", "hello", "WORD", "lETTER"];
const updateArray = array._capitalize();
console.log(updateArray); // output: [1, 2, 3, "4", "A", "Hello", "WORD", "LETTER"]
- _toLowerCase
const array = [
[1, "3"],
{ a: 1 },
const updateArray = array._toLowerCase();
console.log(updateArray); // output: [1,2,3,"4",[1, "3"],{ a: 1 }, "a", "hello","word", "letter"]
- _toUpperCase
const array = [
[1, "3"],
{ a: 1 },
const updateArray = array._toUpperCase();
console.log(updateArray); // output: [1,2,3,"4",[1, "3"],{ a: 1 },"A", "HELLO","WORD","LETTER"]
- _sum
const array = [
[1, "3"],
{ a: 1 },
const sum = array._sum();
console.log(sum); // output:6
- _min
const array = [
[1, "3"],
{ a: 1 },
const min = array._min();
console.log(min); // output:1
- _chunk
const array = [
[1, "3"],
{ a: 1 },
const chunk = array._chunk(5);
console.log(chunk); // output:[[1,2,3,"4",[1, "3"]],[{ a: 1 }, "A","hello","WORD", "LeTtER"]]
- _unique
const array = [
[1, "3"],
{ a: 1 },
{ a: 1 },
const chunk = array._unique();
console.log(chunk); // output:[1,2,3,"4",[1,"3"],{a:1},null, undefined,[8],"a", "A","LeTTer"]