Node bindings to private-box-rs
Node bindings to private-box-rs
napi todos:
[x] expose a c interface to private-box-rs
[x] use cbindgen
[x] sort out naming, dashes, low dashes
[x] get private box rs able to statically link. There's a way to check linked libs ldd?
- [x] how to build c deps form cargo. Ideally also supporting use with cross.
- [x] need to work out how to pass down project specific vars hopefully in the cargo.toml
- [x] it would be good if -native doesn't require sodiumoxide. It should just use re-exported constants from private box rs
[ ] write some c
[ ] get a test passing
- [ ] how to handle incorrect args to the function
[x] set up cmakejs
[ ] prebuild --all
[ ] are "flavours" how you set the target triple?
[ ] could we use cross somehow?
now blocked on gyp storing the relative path to the privatebox lib in the .node binding.
- Get fpic working when building static libs for all the rust stuff.
- check out the wrapper thing with binding gyp.