<p align="center"> <a href="" rel="noopener"> <img width=200px height=200px src="" alt="Project logo"></a> </p>
📝 Table of Contents
🧐 About
This is a Prisma Generator for creating Nestjs Entities, Dtos, Services, Controllers, and Modules to be used as the basis for a REST API. This was developed for a personal project and is very specific to my use case.
🏁 Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Status of Package
- [x] Enum
- [ ] Entity
- [ ] Service
- [ ] CreateDto
- [ ] UpdateDto
- [ ] ConnectDto
- [ ] Controller
- [ ] Module
Write Files
- [x] Enum
- [ ] Entity
- [ ] Service
- [ ] CreateDto
- [ ] UpdateDto
- [ ] ConnectDto
- [ ] Controller
- [ ] Module
Component Tasks
- [ ] FieldComponent
- [ ] RelationComponent
- [ ] DecoratorComponent
- [ ] FunctionComponent
This isn't a starting place to learn prisma. Go to or NestJs for more information about the foundation of this project.
Make sure you have installed @prisma/client and Prisma
npm i -D prisma @prisma/client
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running.
Say what the step will be
npm i -D prisma-generator_wrappernest
And repeat
until finished
End with an example of getting some data out of the system or using it for a little demo.
🔧 Running the tests
Explain how to run the automated tests for this system.
Break down into end to end tests
Explain what these tests test and why
Give an example
And coding style tests
Explain what these tests test and why
Give an example
🎈 Usage
Add notes about how to use the system.
🚀 Deployment
Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system.
⛏️ Built Using
🎉 Acknowledgements
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- References