⚡ AppSync GraphQL API Generator for ◭ Prisma ORM.
Prisma-AppSync ·
Prisma-AppSync is a Prisma Generator, that instantly converts your Schema into a full-blown GraphQL API for AWS AppSync.
⚡ Automatically generated
- GraphQL Schema: Designed to work with AWS AppSync.
- TypeScript Client: Prisma Client on steroids, built for AWS Lambda Resolvers.
✔️ Features
- 💎 Utilize ◭ Prisma Schema to define data structure and quickly spin up a GraphQL API.
- ⚡️ Auto-generated CRUD operations, fully customisable and using Prisma syntax.
- ⛑ Built-in, zero-config XSS data sanitization, query depth control and rate limiting.
- 🔐 Fine-grained access control and authorization modes (API key, IAM, Cognito, etc).
- 🔌 Fully extensible GQL schema and TS Client API to add custom hooks and resolvers.
🚀 Getting started
Run the following command and follow the prompts 🙂
npx create-prisma-appsync-app@latest
📓 Documentation
Read the documentation to learn how to use Prisma-AppSync.
✨ Contributors
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!
Wanting to contribute? Please make sure to read through our contribution guide.
🤟 Sponsors
Thanks go to these wonderful sponsors!