Utility functions to parse, validate and generate data
Custom validation utils (currently for RUT and Phone)
Rol Único Tributario (RUT)
Each chilean citizen has its own RUT number, that is unique and unrepeatable number that useful as a method of identification. This consists of an 8-digit number with a verification digit that can be from 0 to 9 or a K.
The utilities for the use of the RUT number, consist in a set of tools that allow you to verify the validity of the number, give it a format, clean and get verifier digit. The utilities for the use of the phone number, consist in a set of tools that allow you to verify the validity of the number acording to their lenght, give it a format, clean and add a prefix to phone number.
RUT Tools
- Give Format a RUT
- Clean the invalids characters RUT
- Calculate the verifier digit
- Verify if its a valid or invalid RUT
Phone Tools
- Give Format a phone number
- Clean the invalids characters of phone
- Add a country prefix on a phone number if not exists
- Verify if a phone has a valid lenght (without special characters)
npm install prettyutils --save
General Use
import { rutTools, phoneTools } from 'prettyutils';
rutTools.format((rut: string | undefined | null)); //Return string
rutTools.clean((rut: string | undefined | null)); //Return string
rutTools.calculateDv((rut: string | undefined | null)); //Return string
rutTools.validate((rut: string | undefined | null)); //Return boolean
(phone: string | undefined | null),
(prefix: string),
(large: number),
); //Return string
phoneTools.clean((rut: string | undefined | null)); //Return string
phoneTools.calculateDv((rut: string | undefined | null)); //Return string
phoneTools.validate((rut: string | undefined | null)); //Return boolean
Give Format for RUT number
Input: String Rut
import { rutTools } from 'prettyutils';
rutTools.format('198765432'); // Returns 19.876.543-2
rutTools.format('19-8765-4-32'); // Returns 19.876.543-2
Clean the invalids characters for a RUT number
Input: String Rut
import { rutTools } from 'prettyutils';
rutTools.clean('08084750-5'); // Returns 80847505
rutTools.clean('1-8384889-5'); // Returns 183848895
Calculate the verifier digit
Input: String Rut
import { rutTools } from 'prettyutils';
rutTools.calculateDv('16495221'); // Returns 5
rutTools.calculateDv('15280511'); // Returns K
Verify if its a valid or invalid RUT
Input: String Rut
import { rutTools } from 'prettyutils';
rutTools.validate('06099089-1'); // Returns true
rutTools.validate('21.44.509.7-6'); // Returns true
rutTools.validate('34566754-K'); // Returns false
Give Format for phone number
Input: String phone
import { phoneTools } from 'prettyutils';
phoneTools.format('9 7888 6166'); // Returns 978886166
Clean the invalids characters for a phone number
Input: String Phone
import { phoneTools } from 'prettyutils';
phoneTools.clean('+(156) 422 1234'); // Returns 1564221234
phoneTools.clean('35fdlp34/d'); // Returns 3534
Add a prefix to phone number if not exists
Input: String Phone
import { phoneTools } from 'prettyutils';
phoneTools.addPrefix('978886666'); // Returns 56978886666
phoneTools.addPrefix('978886666', '1'); // Returns 1978886666
phoneTools.addPrefix('978886666', '13'); // Returns 13978886666
phoneTools.addPrefix('978886666', '14'); // Returns 14978886666
phoneTools.addPrefix('19788', '1', 5); // Returns 19788
phoneTools.addPrefix('9788', '1', 5); // Returns 19788
Verify if its a valid or invalid phone number
Input: String Phone
import { phoneTools } from 'prettyutils';
phoneTools.validate('+56 9 7888 6666'); // Returns true
phoneTools.validate('56978886666'); // Returns true
phoneTools.validate('978886666'); // Returns true
phoneTools.validate('123456'); // Returns false
Verify if its a valid or invalid phone number acording with format
Input: String Phone
import { phoneTools } from 'prettyutils';
phoneTools.validate('+56 987654321'); // Returns true
phoneTools.validate('56 987654321'); // Returns true
phoneTools.validate('56987654321'); // Returns true
phoneTools.validate('+1 987654321'); // Returns true
phoneTools.validate('56 987sometext654321'); // Returns false
npm test