A pretty triangle generator for canvas
PrettyDelaunay is a bit of Javascript that generates a random Delaunay triangulation on an HTML canvas with pretty colors, with plenty of customization options to boot.
Uses ironwallaby's Delaunay triangulation implementation to generate the triangulation from random points.
Include dist/pretty-delaunay.js
at the bottom of your page. See example.html for a simple example.
Initialize PrettyDelaunay with a canvas element and your options:
var canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
var prettyDelaunay = new PrettyDelaunay(canvas, {
// options here
PrettyDelaunay will stretch the canvas to fit its parent - with a full width parent element you can have a nice, responsive triangle background. See a demo here.
var options = {
// shows triangles - false will show the gradient behind
showTriangles: true,
// show the points that make the triangulation
showPoints: false,
// show the circles that define the gradient locations, sizes
showCircles: false,
// show triangle centroids
showCentroids: false,
// show triangle edges
showEdges: true,
// highlight hovered triangles
hover: true,
// multiplier for the number of points generated based on canvas size
multiplier: 0.5,
// whether to animate the gradients behind the triangles
animate: false,
// number of frames per gradient color cycle
loopFrames: 250,
// colors to use in the gradient
colors: ['hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 1)', 'hsla(0, 0%, 50%, 1)', 'hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 1)'],
// randomly choose from color palette on randomize if not supplied colors
colorPalette: false,
// use image as background instead of gradient
imageAsBackground: false,
// image to use as background
imageURL: '',
// how to resize the points
resizeMode: 'scalePoints',
// 'newPoints' - generates a new set of points for the new size
// 'scalePoints' - linearly scales existing points and re-triangulates
// events triggered when the center of the background
// is greater or less than 50 lightness in hsla
// intended to adjust some text that is on top
// color is the color of the center of the canvas
onDarkBackground: function(color) { return; },
onLightBackground: function(color) { return; },
// triggered when hovered over triangle
onTriangleHover: function(triangle, ctx, options) {
var fill = options.hoverColor(triangle.color);
var stroke = fill;
triangle.render(ctx, options.showEdges ? fill : false, options.showEdges ? false : stroke);
// returns hsla color for triangle edge
// as a function of the triangle fill color
edgeColor: function(color) {
color = Color.hslaAdjustLightness(color, function(lightness) {
return (lightness + 200 - lightness * 2) / 3;
color = Color.hslaAdjustAlpha(color, 0.25);
return color;
// returns hsla color for triangle point
// as a function of the triangle fill color
pointColor: function(color) {
color = Color.hslaAdjustLightness(color, function(lightness) {
return (lightness + 200 - lightness * 2) / 3;
color = Color.hslaAdjustAlpha(color, 1);
return color;
// returns hsla color for triangle centroid
// as a function of the triangle fill color
centroidColor: function(color) {
color = Color.hslaAdjustLightness(color, function(lightness) {
return (lightness + 200 - lightness * 2) / 3;
color = Color.hslaAdjustAlpha(color, 0.25);
return color;
// returns hsla color for triangle hover fill
// as a function of the triangle fill color
hoverColor: function(color) {
color = Color.hslaAdjustLightness(color, function(lightness) {
return 100 - lightness;
color = Color.hslaAdjustAlpha(color, 0.5);
return color;