A Prettier plugin for sorting CSS properties by a certain system.
Prettier plugin that sorts CSS and SCSS properties using a consistent system. See the explanation for the sorting logic down below.
Order Within Rules
The order of properties within a CSS/SCSS rule is as follows:
- Positioning and Display. Includes:
- position
- top, right, bottom, left
- transform
- display
- align-items, justify-content...
- Layout. Includes:
- height
- weight
- padding
- margin
- Text. Includes:
- color
- font-(x): family, size, weight...
- text-align
- Background and Border. Includes:
- background
- background-(x): size, color, position...
- border
- border-(x): bottom, top, radius...
- box-shadow
- Animation and Transition. Includes:
- animation
- animation-(x): duration, delay, direction...
- transition
- Miscellaneous. Includes:
- cursor
- anything that doesn't fit into the above categories
For SCSS, you add nested selectors after all of these.
selector {
/* positioning & display */
position: ...;
/* (top, bottom, etc.) */
display: ...;
/* (align-items, gap, etc.) */
/* layout */
height: ...;
width: ...;
padding: ...;
margin: ...;
/* text */
color: ...;
font-family: ...;
/* (size, weight, etc.) */
/* background & border */
background: ...;
/* (color, size, etc.) */
border: ...;
/* (radius, etc.) */
/* animation & transition */
animation: ...;
/* (duration, delay, etc.) */
transition: ...;
/* misc */
cursor: ...;
/* (etc.) */
& nested {