This package helps you interacts with the pressone backend.
PressOne Node SDK
If you are using any node, you can install PressOne as part of your dependencies using npm
npm i pressone-sdk-node
Then use it in your project as thus
// .env
// PRESSONE_SECRET_KEY = "your_pressone_secret"
import Telephony from "pressone-sdk-node"
const telephone = new Telephony(PRESSONE_SECRET_KEY)
Now you have access to call the follow methods.
1. GetAvailableNumbers:
Returns all the numbers in PressOne that you can purchase
const numbers = await telephone.availableNumbers()
avialable_numbers: {
data: [
phone_number: "02012345678",
country_code: "NG"
total: 432,
size: 10
2. GetNumbers:
Returns all the numbers you have with PressOne
const numbers = await telephone.getNumbers()
numbers: [
phone_number: "02012345678",
status: "verified",
label: "My Number"
number_id: 2693,
3. AssignNumber:
You can create a user and assign the user to a number using this method.
const data = {
"email" :"[email protected]", // customer's email
"phone_number": "+23408123456789", // customer's phone number
"number_ids" : [234, 567], // number_id from telephone.getNumbers() result
// optional params,
"first_name" : "John",
"last_name" : "Doe",
"role" :"owner",
await telephone.assignNumber(data);
numbers: [
phone_number: "02012345678",
full_name: "John Doe",
receiver_id: "John Doe"
receiver_code: 234,
user_id: 2
phone_number: "02012345678",
full_name: "John Doe",
receiver_id: "John Doe"
receiver_code: 567,
user_id: 2
4. GetMembers:
This method returns the list of users you have created
const members = await telephone.getMembers();
members: [
phone_number: "+23408123456789",
full_name: "John Doe",
receiver_id: 234
receiver_code: 100,
5. GetCredential:
This method returns an access token used to initialized the SDK
const tokens = await telephone.getCredential(user_id);
user_id is from the response in telephone.assignNumber()
token: {
refresh: "eyJ283w...",
access: "eyJ283w...",
expiry: 7200
// returns call records
const records = await telephone.getCallRecords();
// returns contacts
const contacts = await telephone.getContacts();