Press any key to continue...
A utility to launch the simplest confirmation dialog.
npx -q press-any-key
Press any key to continue...
If user presses any key it will exit with code 0. In the case of pressing CTRL+C it will exit with code 1.
If you wish to use the utility from a npm scripts, you can install it into your project as a usual npm dependency.
npm install press-any-key --save-dev
But you can also use npx to invoke the command without install.
npx -q press-any-key
press-any-key <message> [...options]
By the default, the message is "Press any key to continue..."
, but if you would like you can specify your own message as the first argument.
press-any-key "Press any key to run the application"
--ctrlc <code>
Exit code on pressing CTRL-C.
Do not clean the message, after resolve
Do not show the massage
How to route
You can use standard bash logical operators &&
and ||
to perform branching.
npx -q press-any-key && echo "A good choice!" || echo "Bye bye :("
Or you can rely on the fact that CTRL + C, by default, exits the process.
For example, you have a script that performs irreversible actions, and to avoid accidental execution of the script, you can add additional confirmation.
echo 'You are about to delete all files in current directory'
npx -q press-any-key
rm -rf *
You are about to delete all files in the current directory
Press any key to continue...
Programmatic usage
You can use the package press-any-key API in your node.js script.
const pressAnyKey = require('press-any-key');
.then(() => {
// ... User presses a key
pressAnyKey(message, options)
The message is a string that will be displayed in the standard output before it starts to listen for key presses. Pass null if you'd like to use the default message.
The exit code, or"reject"
(do reject the promise), or false to perceive as pressing any key.preserveLog
Preserve the message in the loghideMessage
Do not show the message
By default, when the user presses CTRL+C, the function will exit the process. However, you can change the standard behavior of CTRL+C by passing the option ctrlC with the value "reject". In this case, pressing CTRL+C will not exit the process but will instead reject the promise.
const pressAnyKey = require('press-any-key');
pressAnyKey("Press any key to resolve, or CTRL+C to reject", {
ctrlC: "reject"
.then(() => {
console.log('You pressed any key')
.catch(() => {
console.log('You pressed CTRL+C')
Vladimir Kalmykov [email protected]