Node.js solution for building a complex and flexible PostgreSQL query
Node.js solution for building a complex and flexible PostgreSQL query
npm: npm install prepare-sql-query
yarn: yarn add prepare-sql-query
The reason for this solution
It is necessary to retrieve data with various conditions provided from the frontend, such as filtering by criteria, searching, sorting, limiting, pagination, and other conditions.
It is very useful for using with REST API or graphQL in a controller
Query with filters and search
To create filters and perform searches, the data needs to be formatted correctly. See the example:
import prepareSQLQuery, { removeSpecialSymbols } from 'prepare-sql-query';
// Association field type with db table (needs for correct filtering)
month: {
table: 'data.articles',
field: 'created_at',
query: 'EXTRACT(MONTH FROM data.articles.created_at) = :value'
year: {
table: 'data.articles',
field: 'created_at',
query: 'EXTRACT(YEAR FROM data.articles.created_at) = :value'
isPublished: {
table: 'data.articles',
field: 'is_published',
query: null
* Show all data
const showAllData = async ({ meta, search, filters }) => {
// Addition condition for search
const { data, totalCount } = await dataWithSearch({ search, filters, meta });
return {
* Get model with search data and filtering
* @param search {string} for search
* @param filters {object} for filtering { field: value } Needs to use FILTER_WITH_TABLES dict
* @param meta {object} for sorting and pagination
* @return {Promise}
const dataWithSearch = async ({ search, filters, meta }) => {
// Array of objects with conditions in the format: [{ query: 'Condition query string', binding: { key: value } }]
const where = [];
// A main query for the resolver
const mainQuery = 'SELECT data.articles.* FROM data.articles';
// If a search exists, create an additional query with the necessary fields for searching
if (search) {
query: `(substring( from '^' || :search || '(.*)$') IS NOT NULL OR
substring(LOWER(data.articles.title) from '^' || :search || '(.*)$') IS NOT NULL OR
substring(LOWER(data.articles.slug) from '.*' || :search || '(.*)$') IS NOT NULL OR
substring(to_char(data.articles.created_at, 'DD/MM/YYYY') from '^' || :search || '(.*)$') IS NOT NULL)`,
binding: { search: removeSpecialSymbols(search.toLowerCase()) }
// Preparing query (add conditions, bindings)
const query = await prepareSQLQuery({
sortingTableName: 'data.articles',
if (query.totalCount === 0) return { data: [], totalCount: query.totalCount };
// Now we can call the prepared SQL query with the help of Sequelize for example
const data = await sequelize.query(query.preparedQuery, {
model: models.article, // Article Sequelize model. In this example, it is used together with GraphQL
mapToModel: true,
replacements: query.bindings
return { data, totalCount: query.totalCount };
Function params:
@param mainQuery {string} the general SQL query
Example: 'SELECT data.articles.* FROM data.articles'
@param where {array} of objects with WHERE conditions and bindings ([{ query: 'Condition query string', binding: { key: value } }])
Example: [{ query: 'data.articles.user_id = :userId', binding: { userId: 5 } }]
@param doNotAddWhere {boolean} if true then doesn't need to add WHERE to the query
If you want to use a complex query that includes a WHERE, set doNotAddWhere to true
Example: "SELECT data.articles.* FROM data.articles WHERE data.articles.additional ->> 'authorName' = :authorName"
This means that all WHERE conditions will be added to the current query using AND
Don't forget to set the bindings: [{ binding: { authorName: 'Joe' } }]
@param groupBy {string|null} with GROUP BY query (for example: 'GROUP BY data.articles.is_published')
Example: 'GROUP BY data.articles.year, data.articles.month';
@param meta {object} meta data (perPage: Int, offset: Int, order: String, orderBy: String),
by default { perPage: 25, offset: 0, order: 'ASC', orderBy: By default sort by id DESC and created_at DESC if table not null }
@param orderRaw {string|null} SQL order string, for example:
'ORDER BY t.year DESC, t.month DESC, t.week DESC'
If exist then we will use this data instead meta.order/meta.orderBy/sortingTableName
@param sortingTableName {string|null} name of a table with schema for sorting (for example: 'data.articles') if meta is used
@param filters {object} filter conditions (for example: { isPublished: true })
@param filterRules {object} with dictionary for filtering, in our case, it is FILTER_WITH_TABLES
@return {object} - { preparedQuery, bindings, totalCount }
For example:
month: {
table: 'data.articles',
field: 'created_at',
query: 'EXTRACT(MONTH FROM data.articles.created_at) = :value'
year: {
table: 'data.articles',
field: 'created_at',
query: 'EXTRACT(YEAR FROM data.articles.created_at) = :value'
isPublished: {
table: 'data.articles',
field: 'is_published',
query: null
keys of object - have to be equal of keys from a frontend filters
table - a table name with schema.
field - a field name for a condition (will be used condition field = :value from the corresponding the filters key)
query - an additional query. If it is not null, the field value will be ignored, and only this query will be used