Functional css library and utility belt
Preons 🛰
A functional CSS system for building user interfaces 🛰
Documentation | CLI | Reference
🔬Currently Under Development
This repo is subject to lots of changes as it's in prime experimental mode. See going from 0.0.0 to 1.0.0.
🚀 Documentation
Get started here.
💠 Themes
Coming soon
Learn more here.
🗒 Configuration
Example preons.yaml.
Read the docs here.
Preonize Function
The preonize
function is currently an scss
function. It allows Preons to generate lots of rules at multiple breakpoints without having to hardcode each CSS class.
It has 4 parameters.
@include preonize(
<class name>, # The prefix name of the class eg. 'h' for height
<css property>, # The css property assigned to the class 'height'
<sass map rules>, # Sass map of rules eg. (1: 1rem, 2: 2rem)
<breakpoints> # Breakpoints
Thus, we can reuse different sass-maps for several rules. Here's an example use:
@include preonize(
map-collection(scaled, percentaged, discrete, special-sizes),
📚 Reference
Look up the reference here or peruse them below.
🗺️ Roadmap
Read the roadmap here.
⛓ Versioning
This project uses SemVer for versioning and Intuit's Auto to generate releases on the fly. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
🙌 Thank yous
- Intuit's Auto for making releases easier
- Adam Moore & Tachyons for creating their wonderful library
Thank you for your desire to contribute. All you have to do is create a PR. Note the following conventions:
- This project uses Angular commit conventions. As it's in version experimental, prefix your commits with
🔖 Licence
You are free to modify and do as you choose to this library however, it uses GPLv2.1 to keep it free for all into the future. Of course, you can commercialize your product where this library is part of a larger piece of work and is merely a dependency.
Here's a really helpful video explanation of GPL licences in general.
Contributors ✨
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!